best skills to earn money

Best Skills to Earn Money from Internet Business Ventures In 2024

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Discover the best skills to earn money from internet business ventures with a list of online business ideas to make money online in 2024.

In the aftermath of COVID-19 and with a recession on the horizon, many employees are looking to start a side hustle or wondering which recession-proof businesses they can launch to augment their family income and build financial security.

The COVID pandemic not only transformed the workplace, but it also gave people the time to reflect on what they want to do with their lives, with more employees demanding to work remotely so they can achieve a better work-life balance.

According to a Gallup survey conducted in 2022, at least 50% of the American workforce is comprised of dissatisfied and disengaged workers who only put in the bare minimum of effort that is strictly necessary to keep their jobs.

Internet users have seen online business opportunities and online earning sources grow in the last few decades, and many employees are exploring online money-making ideas to set up a side business that can help them build more online income streams.

Whether you’re planning on starting an online business that pays well or hoping to learn a new skill to make money doing something you enjoy, you’ve come to the right place.

You won’t find a long list of online earning websites or survey sites here. They are a waste of time and won’t help you grow successful online businesses.

So, which skill is best for online earning? The best skill for online earning depends on your interests, strengths, and the opportunities available in the market.

Browse this curated list of the best skills to earn money online from an internet business if you’re serious about investing the time and effort to become an online entrepreneur.

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Best Skills to Earn Money from Internet Business Ventures

While it’s difficult to predict exactly which online skills will be in high demand in 2023 as technology and job markets are constantly evolving, this article provides a list of the top skills to learn to make money from internet business ventures.

These top money-making skills will help you choose appropriate online money-making ideas for the most profitable online businesses to start in 2024.

#1. Becoming a YouTube content creator

YouTube is one of the biggest search engines in the world and YouTube’s user base expanded during the COVID-19 quarantine, making it one of the best online earning platforms today.

Even a 17-year-old can start a YouTube channel, and many teenagers have discovered that becoming a YouTube content creator is one of the best ways to earn a passive income online.

The most-watched YouTube material includes commentary, product reviews, gaming livestreams, and tutorials. The average YouTube channel gains 1,000 subscribers every 22 months.

Video creators on YouTube can make money online with the YouTube Partner Program, which pays them based on how many people view their material.

To qualify, you’ll need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watched hours in the past year, and you can earn between $3 to $5 for every 1,000 video views.

You can easily earn $2,000 or more a month once you learn how to create engaging videos and build a popular YouTube channel with over 100,000 subscribers.

YouTube content creator

But what if you’re a shy introvert who doesn’t want to show your face on camera? Not to worry! You can even find plenty of faceless YouTube channel ideas that are perfect for introverts.

Growing a YouTube channel that makes money will not happen overnight, of course, but it is possible with an investment of time and effort.

All you need to start a profitable internet-based business as a YouTube content creator is a mobile phone with a good camera or an AI-video generator tool if you plan to create a faceless YouTube channel.

The problem is that 96.6% of YouTube accounts have 10,000 or fewer subscribers because they never learned how to leverage this awesome online platform for growth.

But if you’re willing to invest some time and effort in becoming a full-time content creator on YouTube, you’ll find some of the best YouTube content creator courses to help you do that below.

mkbhd masterclass

#2. Becoming a freelance content writer

As a content writer, your job is to help businesses effectively communicate with their target audience to boost traffic, engagement, conversions, and sales.

Despite the growth of AI writing generator tools, content writing remains one of the top money-making skills that humans will be required for, and writing articles for money will continue to be one of the best web content creator jobs in 2023.

However, getting paid to write articles requires some investment in improving your writing skills. Content writers also need to learn how to use AI writing technology and SEO content writing tools to write SEO-friendly articles that rank well in search engines.

Whether you want to get paid for writing as a copywriter and content creator or be an eBook content creator, you can learn different types of writing skills that will help you write the kind of content clients are looking for.

If you want to get paid to write articles and earn money as a content writer or even start your own content writing business, here are some basic web content writing courses you can invest in.

get paid to write articles

#3. Becoming a bestselling romance novelist

Is it possible to write stories and earn money online? Absolutely! If there’s anything that the success of romance novels like Julia Quinn’s books (The Bridgerton series) has proved, it’s that becoming a romance novelist is one of the most creative skills to learn to make money online.

Romance is the most lucrative and popular fiction writing genre, fueling a $1.4 billion romance industry whose audience is largely women. Depending on the publisher, romance novelists can earn anywhere from $1,200 to $26,000 annually.

Self-published authors often earn more than traditionally published authors nowadays, especially once they learn how to market and promote their books and build an author brand.

The best way to earn money as a romance novelist is to write and self-publish several romance novels each year so you can attract a loyal readership. This works even better if you write a romance novel series featuring the same main character.

If you’re stuck for story ideas and need some way to spark your creativity, you can even get inspiration for a story from an AI story generator tool.

These romance novel writing tips will help you write your romance novels, and the romance writing courses below will help you kick-start the process of writing your stories right away.

romance novels

#4. Becoming an adaptation screenwriter

OTT (over-the-top), which refers to the transmission of movie and television programming through the Internet, has grown in popularity in recent years.

Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime are used to access OTT material like movies and TV shows instantly online or download them for later viewing.

The OTT industry benefited from the pandemic, and it’s expected that demand for OTT services will increase over the next few years as more people ditch their traditional cable and satellite subscriptions in favor of streaming alternatives.

The proliferation of broadband internet access, high-quality streaming devices, and the expansion of original programming on OTT platforms are also anticipated to fuel the growth of OTT services.

A screenwriter who produces novel adaptations for online streaming services like Netflix is referred to as an adaptation screenwriter, television adaptation writer, novel-to-screen writer, or book-to-screen writer, depending on the context.

The process of adapting a novel for the screen involves taking the story, characters, and themes from the original work and retelling them in a new format, typically a screenplay, to make the adaptation more visually interesting, engaging, and suitable for production as a film or television show.

As an adaptation screenwriter, you should also learn how to use online screenwriting programs and scriptwriting software to help you collaborate better with your team.

If you want to gain the skill of adapting a novel for OTT platforms, it makes sense to learn this useful money-making skill from the best television screenwriters in the courses below.

The Duffer Brothers


#5. Learning the training skills of a facilitator

According to the 2020 Global Coaching Study from ICF & PwC, the coaching industry was the second fastest-growing sector in the world.

Coaching and training is a huge industry, and online coaching platforms will reach $4.5 billion in market size by 2028. One-third of all Fortune 500 companies use the services of coaches.

There’s never been a better time to add the coaching and training skills of a facilitator to your resume and become an online coach, trainer, or workshop facilitator.

These e-training tips will help you create an engaging virtual learning environment, and the courses below will help you transform the lives of the people you coach and train.

Train the Trainer Online


#6. Becoming an internet marketer

Becoming a digital or internet marketer is an exciting, lucrative, and rewarding career. In 2020, LinkedIn listed digital marketing specialists among the top 10 most in-demand jobs, with SEO being one of the most desired skills to earn money.

As more businesses shift their operations online, the ability to effectively market products and services online is becoming increasingly important. Some good skills to learn to make money include social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing.

Being a digital marketer involves the use of online marketing strategies for small business growth, in terms of promoting products and services, building brand awareness, and driving customer engagement.

As a freelance marketing specialist, you need to have excellent written communication skills, be creative in your approach to campaigns and strategies, stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry, and possess knowledge of web analytics tools, SEO techniques, copywriting, and more.

You’ll also need to have a passion for constantly learning new marketing techniques, as it is an ever-evolving field. There are many types of digital marketing job roles with a large number of skills sets and specializations.

However, getting digital marketing certification doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. Go deep into various aspects of digital marketing, from social media to paid advertising and more, with these digital skills courses on Fiverr led by the world’s top experts.

You can pick up the skills you need by taking advantage of the numerous free and inexpensive digital marketing courses available. You can study digital marketing and become a certified digital marketer with affordable, job-oriented, and even free digital marketing courses online.

internet marketer

#7. Becoming a social media star

Social media stars or social influencers have the authority, expertise, position, or relationship to affect other people’s purchase decisions. Consumers, by the millions, believe in social media influencers.

According to the most recent statistics on influencer marketing, the influencer market reportedly hit a record high of $13.8 billion in 2021 and was projected to reach a mind-boggling $16.4 billion in 2022.

Because of this, there were 26% more influencer management organizations offering influencer marketing services in 2021, and more companies are developing influencer strategies to reach their target audiences.

There has never been a better time to become a social media influencer and use the influencer market to launch an online company, especially if you’re prepared to put in the work to develop a sizable, loyal social following.

social media star

#8. Starting an ecommerce business

In the post-COVID world, e-commerce companies thrived as more people took to shopping online. As of October 2022, over 27% of the world’s population shops online.

The global e-commerce market size reached US$ 16.6 trillion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 70.9 trillion by 2028. This is why an e-commerce company is the best online business to start today, even if you decide to sell your website later.

Starting an e-commerce business from scratch or buying an e-commerce business for sale are both great ways to get started with this trending online business model. These free e-commerce guides will show you how to start an e-commerce business.

Whether you want to sell art online and make money from your artwork or start an online clothing business, starting an e-commerce business can be one of the most lucrative online earning sources.

You can get into online selling with a WordPress eCommerce store, or by starting an Amazon online business and piggybacking off one of the top e-commerce companies in the world.

You can also get started with Shopify, the best e-commerce platform for small businesses, which handles everything from marketing and payments, to secure checkout and shipping.

And if you want to start selling on Amazon, an Amazon FBA business may be one of the best ways to start an online business without investment.

ecommerce business

#9. Starting an affiliate blogging business

Affiliate marketing is a way to promote products or services on behalf of another company. When someone purchases a product or service through your link, you earn a commission on that sale.

If you want to succeed with affiliate marketing, you’ll need to choose products that your audience is willing to purchase, create high-quality content that ranks on search engines, and build an engaged audience.

Affiliate blogging can be one of the best online passive income ideas to start a small online business, especially if you make a good number of sales with recurring or SaaS affiliate programs.

Here are some affiliate marketing tutorials to help you learn how to make money with affiliate blogging, one of the best online passive income ideas.

#10. Becoming a coder or software tester

Many businesses rely on software to run their operations, so programming skills are always in demand. If you want to make money with tech skills, programming, and coding are some of the most lucrative, but also the hardest skills to learn to make money.

Coding is one of the best skills to earn money because once you know how to do it, you can start working as a freelance coder and solve coding problems for money or create your own software business.

To learn programming skills and make money coding from home, you’ll need to choose a programming language that interests you, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, and C++.

You can also create mobile applications or games for different platforms like Android or iOS. If you want to earn money with coding, the possibilities are endless.

computer skills that make money

#11. Becoming a data analyst or scientist

Data drives everything today. With the increasing amount of data being collected and stored, the ability to analyze and interpret this data is becoming increasingly important.

Data science is a rapidly growing field that is revolutionizing industries across the board and is one of the most useful skills to learn to make money.

Large-scale data analysis, visualization, and interpretation skills are useful in a variety of industries, including banking, healthcare, and marketing. Tools like Excel, SQL, and Tableau can be used to analyze and visualize data.

Businesses of all sizes are hiring data science analysts to make better decisions and enhance their operations. Data scientists can command high incomes and are in high demand.

If you’re considering learning data science this is a great time to do it as it will probably be one of the most lucrative and rewarding skills to earn money online in 2023 and beyond.

#12. Becoming a cybersecurity specialist

With the increasing number of cyber threats, the ability to protect data and systems from attack is becoming increasingly important. Skills in network security and cybersecurity can be valuable in a variety of industries.

These cybersecurity courses will help you gain the skills you need to become a cybersecurity specialist.

cybersecurity tips

#13. Becoming a recruiter who hires freelancers

The growth of the gig economy, remote work, and concerns over the economic slowdown have brought about an international shift in employment trends.

Many professionals are choosing to take on freelance contract work, independent contractor jobs, and side jobs for extra money, often out of necessity, given the lack of job stability in the current economic climate.

According to staffing industry statistics, America’s staffing companies hire 16 million temporary and contract employees during a year.

Major corporations now hire freelancers and gig workers for contract jobs, and even companies like Google have joined the growing trend of tech employers opting to hire contractors over full-time employees.

According to this article in the WSJ, which predicts “the end of employees”, Accenture, one of the world’s largest providers of outsourced labor expects this trend to grow over time.

Many freelance recruiters are now choosing to specialize in the area of hiring freelancers and contract workers to help companies navigate the freelance marketplace and fill the requirements for the best freelance jobs.

HR professionals need to know how to set up a remote or hybrid workplace and start managing remote teams successfully.

As a recruiter who hires freelancers, you must learn the skills required to find freelancers and gig workers, draw up a contract of employment for contractual jobs, and if required, build and manage a virtual team and culture for your clients.

virtual team management

#14. Becoming a graphic designer or NFT artist

The ability to create visually appealing and effective designs is becoming increasingly important as businesses rely more on online content. As a graphic designer, you can also get into the lucrative field of creating NFT art for sale or buying and selling NFTs.

These graphic design courses will help you learn how to use tools like Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.), Canva, and InVision to create designs for websites, social media, and more.

graphic design masterclass

#15. Building a powerful personal brand online

How can building a personal brand make money online? While it’s easier than ever to reach a wide audience online, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd.

People are more likely to work with someone they trust and believe in. A strong personal brand can help you differentiate yourself and your offerings, making it easier for potential clients or customers to find and trust you.

Building a personal brand can also help increase your credibility and trustworthiness, as it gives people a sense of who you are and what you stand for.

A powerful personal brand can also make it easier for you to secure partnerships or collaborations with other businesses or individuals as a way to generate additional income.

Building a personal brand can also help you build a loyal following of people who are interested in what you do and what you have to offer, and help you build a source of recurring revenue.

Building a personal brand can help increase your visibility and reach, as it can make it easier for people to find and learn about you and your offerings. It can help you expand your business or reach a new audience.

If your personal brand revolves around creating content or using specific platforms like a YouTube channel or Instagram account, monetizing that content or platform through advertising, sponsorships, or other revenue-generating strategies will be easier.

A strong personal brand can also make it easier to secure speaking or consulting opportunities, which can be a great way to generate additional income.

In this interview, psychology-driven brand strategist Kaye Putnam explains how to use the 12 Jungian brand archetypes to tap into the subconscious and emotional desires of your audience to create a personal brand that stands the test of time.

Overall, building a personal brand is important in 2023 because it can help you stand out, increase your credibility and trustworthiness, build a loyal following, and increase your visibility and reach.

Here are some resources to help you build an effective personal brand online:

personal brand statement

It’s important to keep in mind that the value of these different skills you can learn to make money can vary depending on your industry and specific job role.

In addition to all these online skills to make money, it is also helpful to learn the organizational skills for working remotely as remote work is likely to become the norm for many jobs in the future.

It may be helpful to do some research and talk to industry professionals to get a sense of which are the best money-making skills that are most in demand in your field.

Whether you want to start a side hustle or a full-time internet business, these skills to earn money will help you choose the best online business to augment and grow your income.

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Skills That Can Make Money
Internet Skills That Make You Money
Skills To Learn To Make Money
Skills To Earn Money
Skills That Make Money
Skills To Earn Money Online
Online Skills To Make Money

© 2022 – 2024, Priya Florence Shah. All rights reserved.

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