Best AI Story Generator and AI Poem Generator Tools

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Best AI Story Generator & AI Poem Generator Tools

Spark your creativity and get inspiration for a story from an AI story generator or use a creative writing AI poem generator to write a poem.

Creative writing AI story generator tools are no longer in the realm of science fiction or confined to the rarified halls of scientific researchers. Today, AI novel writing software is easily available to anyone who wants to have an AI write a story.

How to get inspiration for a story from an AI

One way to write a story with AI is to use Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to analyze a corpus of text and automatically generate new text based on that analysis.

You can use an AI writing assistant from Google’s AI suite of products which includes one called AutoML Writer designed specifically for natural language generation.

This story generator AI can be used to create summaries, or even to generate new versions of the story from scratch.

Alternatively, you could use a neural network to generate the plot, character speeches, or even the entire story. Or you could use a machine-learning algorithm to help you get inspiration for a story from an AI.

Another way to use AI to write a story is through concept mapping and brainstorming. You can input a list of ideas or keywords into a program and have it create a map of relationships between those ideas.

ai generator story

There are many different types of AI and whatever approach you take, there are some things you should keep in mind.

Consider what type of story you want to write. If you want to write a realistic fiction story, then using AI might not be the best idea. However, if you’re open to writing a more fantastical story, then using AI can be very helpful.

Think about what kind of AI you want to use to write stories. Several novel-writing AI programs can help with brainstorming, character development, plotting, and even grammar suggestions.

There are various AI storyteller chatbots available online. Once you have the story outline, you can flesh it out yourself or have the bot continue to provide guidance.

This can help you come up with new ideas for your story, or flesh out existing ones. Other programs that use AI to write stories can help with the actual writing process.

Sudowrite AI story generator & AI poem generator

If you need help overcoming writer’s block, you can try the Sudowrite AI story generator free. This is a highly recommended story-writing AI assistant for creative writers who are stuck for inspiration.

  • Overcome writer’s block and bring your stories to life in your voice.
  • Unlock new ideas with Sudowrite’s Quick Chat (free) which knows your entire story.
  • Take your novel from start to finish faster with an improved Story Bible.

If you input a brief synopsis of your story in a few phrases into this AI story writer online, it scans the writing prompt you type in and continues writing. It’s as if different versions of you in parallel universes were writing the next few paragraphs.

sudowrite ai story generator

This novel-writing AI that writes stories can even help you introduce a new character or create the cast for your novel. Given a line outlining your plot and a few sample characters, Sudowrite’s Characters tool generates a list of potential characters.

The Sudowrite Twists function can even produce plot twists. This AI story writer software prioritizes unexpected twists that subvert assumptions in the context of your story.

But that’s not all, because the Sudowrite AI writes poetry too! Yes, this AI creative writing assistant also has an AI poem generator function.

Given a theme, a title, and, optionally, the first few lines of a poem, the Sudowrite Poem generator AI function will write a modern free verse AI-generated poem for you.

In addition, Sudowrite can also provide a concise summary of your story as well as sharp loglines that highlight crucial scenes. Simulated AI readers evaluate your work and provide feedback. They’ll talk about themes, things they liked, and potential future research areas.

Click here to try the Sudowrite AI story writer free

Jasper story generator AI templates

Jasper is another story generator AI that writes stories. The Jasper Creative Story Writing Template is a useful AI story outline software, and you can try the Jasper AI story writer for free for up to 10k words.

You can use the Jasper AI story generator software to generate a basic story outline based on provided information such as setting, characters, and plot keywords.

jasper creative story template

If you’re curious to see the results of using this AI to write stories, see an example of how the Jasper AI writes a story when given a prompt, as in the example below.

Although these stories written by AI storywriters online are not full-fledged AI novels, Jasper’s Creative Story Template can help you write deliciously creative stories to engage your readers.

Jasper AI story generator software

ai that can write stories

One of the quickest methods to increase your authority and thought leadership as a subject matter expert is to write a non-fiction book. You can learn how to go from a blank page to being published on Amazon in 7 days using the method Darby Rollins created using the Jasper AI writing assistant.

If you’ve dreamed about writing a nonfiction book, the video below will show you how to get on the fast track to authorship by writing a quick, authority-building non-fiction book, in under 7 days, with Jasper’s AI Author Workflow.

Click here to write a nonfiction book with Jasper’s AI Author Workflow

The implications of AI that writes stories

The implications of AI story writer tools on the craft of storytelling are impossible to predict. But one thing is for sure, the age of the auteur is far from over. With AI in charge of crafting characters, worlds, and plotlines, we may see more artistry in storytelling than ever before.

AI writer tools have already started to change the way we write. In a future where AI is more involved in the writing process, and we have an AI that finishes stories, will the stories we tell be even more unique and interesting?

It will certainly be interesting to see how getting inspiration for a story from an AI shapes our stories and the way we tell them. Will AI writing generator tools take over writing completely? Or will they help us create even better content?

Today, anyone can make an AI write a story using AI story generator software. It remains to be seen if using a story-writing AI to improve writing skills leads us into a golden age of storytelling, or if we will prefer stories told by humans or a hybrid of both.

Now that you know how to write a story using AI, why not let a story generator AI write a story or poem for you, especially when you’re dealing with writer’s block.

In addition to these AI story generator tools, you can also find free editing software tools to help you edit your story and polish it into a finished product.

Courses for using AI to write a book

This ChatGPT Course on Writing and Self-publishing an eBook using AI teaches you to outline and write an eBook with ChatGPT, design a bestselling cover using Canva, and earn passive income.

Learn to find profitable eBook niches, create content quickly, and write a book online with AI tools. Master editing and formatting, design attractive covers, and market your eBook effectively for massive sales. Additionally, discover how to convert your eBook into an online course.

Click here to preview this course on using AI to write a book

Write A Story Using AI
Write A Story AI
AI That Writes A Story
Use AI To Write A Story
AI Poem Generator
AI Story Writer
AI Story Generator
Story Generator AI
AI Story Generator Free
AI That Writes Stories
Get Inspiration For A Story From An AI

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