Free Abundance Courses to Manifest Monetary Abundance

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Free Abundance Courses to Attract Monetary Abundance

Learn spiritual ways of attracting money and monetary abundance to manifest an abundance of blessings and start living in abundance with free abundance courses.

Breaking through your hidden abundance blocks is the secret to welcoming an abundance of blessings, prosperity, and wealth into your life. This is the key to manifesting everything you truly desire in life.

We humans, as spiritual beings, have access to an infinite abundance. We live in a generous, abundant universe with plenty of opportunities. However, many people live in a scarcity mindset, believing that they will never achieve the prosperity that they so desperately desire.

The free abundance courses below will teach you the best money manifestation techniques to get rid of your abundance blocks, and spiritual ways to attract money and abundance into your life.

monetary abundance

Free 4-Part Video Series: Healing Your Relationship with Money 

Discover the inner barriers that impact your money experiences to start the process of healing your relationship with money in this 4-part video series, presented in collaboration with esteemed wealth and mental health experts.

Instead of feeling anxious, afraid, stressed, or guilty about our finances, how do we change how we relate to money in a way that supports and sustains us?

The first step is to become aware of the money beliefs, patterns, and narratives that limit our ability to receive. This new series offers simple yet effective practices you can use right now to start the process.

This free series features four engaging video lessons from esteemed wealth and mental health experts including Rha Goddess, Judy Wilkins-Smith, Spencer Sherman, and Joyce Marter.

Here’s what you’ll discover in the Healing Your Relationship with Money series:

  • Four insightful video-learning sessions with esteemed experts in the fields of wealth and mental health including Rha Goddess, Judy Wilkins-Smith, Spencer Sherman, and Joyce Marter.
  • Gain awareness by identifying the money beliefs, patterns, and conditioning that limit your capacity to receive. Once you become aware of these internal factors, you can start the process of healing your financial mindset.
  • Empowering practices designed to support you in cultivating a more peaceful and fulfilling relationship with money. You will learn what a healthy relationship with money feels like, and how to develop one for yourself.

Each video learning session identifies what a healthy relationship with money looks and feels like and is an empowering practice to develop a more personal relationship that cultivates a sense of ease, joy, and peace with the flow of money in your life.

Click here to sign up for this free money healing series

Free Tap Into Money EFT with Brad Yates

Coaching combined with Tapping or EFT can help you change your mind about yourself and the world, bring more peace into your life, and cultivate a more powerful success mindset.

Brad Yates is a world-renowned EFT specialist known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Tapping/EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). And his abundance-attracting sessions are among his most popular.

Of all the issues Brad helps people with, money comes with the longest list of subconscious limiting beliefs.  Many of us have subconscious barriers to allowing money to flow easily to us.

Get access to a powerful free tapping session with EFT master practitioner, Brad Yates, to clear your blocks to abundance and lay the groundwork for accessing your abundant financial destiny.

You’ll be guided through tapping exercises in this powerful recording to help you experience a greater abundance of health, wealth, and happiness in your life.

“The level to which we don’t have what we say we want is the level to which we resist it.” ~ Brad Yates

You’ll also learn about Brad’s EFT program, Tap into Money, which was created to show you that it is possible to manifest the money you desire (and how to do it too).

Tapping can not only help you release your money blocks and even turn you into a money magnet. The step-by-step, self-paced Tap Into Money EFT program unlocks your financial potential and empowers you to connect with your innate money magnetism by:

  • Identifying and eliminating what’s stopping you from the abundance you deserve
  • Setting you up for long-term success so you never have to worry about money again
  • Shifting your money mindset to allow money to flow easily to you.

For a limited time, you’ll get 54% off Tap Into Money and get 5 exclusive bonuses too.

Click here to eliminate your money blocks with EFT

EFT for money

Free Mindvalley Abundance Masterclass with Christie Marie Sheldon

In this Free Mindvalley Masterclass with Christie Marie Sheldon, you’ll learn how abundance blocks are preventing you from manifesting the wealth you deserve on a daily basis.

You’ll take a fascinating journey into your personal energetic blueprint to discover what’s really holding you back from greater wealth and abundance. Use Christie’s Abundance Calculator to see how much money you could earn once your abundance blocks are gone.

Discover each of the 24 abundance blocks that keep you in a scarcity mindset and how they subconsciously prevent you from manifesting wealth, even if you work hard and do everything else correctly.

“You have a choice about which energetic frequencies you want to live in.” ~ Christie Marie Sheldon

Experience Christie Marie Sheldon’s remarkable Energy Clearing technique for removing her clients’ deepest abundance blocks that are preventing them from achieving financial success – instantly, effortlessly, and permanently.

Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance Program gives you the tools you need to break free from the abundance blocks in your life and promote a conscious mind shift that will allow you to hone your financial intuition and allow you and those around you to thrive.

Unlimited abundance is just an energy shift away. Commit to releasing the shackles on your energy and immersing yourself in an energetic transformation with Christie Marie Sheldon’s Free Energy Clearing Session.

Sign up for Christie Marie Sheldon’s Free Mindvalley Abundance Masterclass

Mindvalley Abundance Masterclass

Free Masterclass with Marisa Peer to Reprogram your Mind for Abundance

When unexpected money or a life-changing opportunity falls on your lap, does your brain ever scream at you to reject it?

Reprogram your brain into a wealth attraction machine and rewire your thought patterns for an abundance of riches, health, and love, with a free live 20-minute Rapid Transformational Therapy session with Marisa Peer.

“When you know and believe you are enough you don’t need more. When you feel and believe you are not enough you will always want more.” ~ Marisa Peer

Designed to awaken your brain’s neuroplasticity and reprogram your brain for abundance, this Free Mindvalley Abundance Masterclass will show you Marisa Peer’s world-famous technique for instantly reprogramming your mind for abundance.

Marisa is well-known for healing patients in a single session, and for creating the type of transformation known as a “Model of the World” Shift because it allows you to “wake up” and see the world in a new light.

This 20-minute Rapid Transformational Therapy session is the same technique Marisa uses to help her private clients – including  Olympians, CEOs, and others – live their best lives to trigger instant and deep neurological transformation.

Sign up for this Marisa Peer’s Free Abundance Masterclass

Marisa Peer Mindvalley Abundance Masterclass

Free Money EQ Masterclass with Ken Honda

Too often, money is a source of anxiety and stress, tearing apart relationships and even destroying lives. In this free Money EQ Masterclass, Ken Honda, Japan’s best-selling personal development guru, will help you learn the Japanese art of healing money wounds and making peace with money.

We like to believe that money is the center of our lives and that everything is dependent on it, but this Money EQ Masterclass will challenge your beliefs to install more liberating perceptions of money and deliver concrete tools with the power to change your life.

Sign up for this Free Money EQ Masterclass with Ken Honda

ken honda money masterclass

Free Abundance eBook by Mary Morrissey

With these free abundance courses and resources, New York Times best-selling author, elite transformation teacher, and world-renowned speaker, Mary Morrissey, will help you overcome your limiting beliefs and reprogram your mind for abundance in all forms.

In Mary Morrissey’s eBook, Breaking Through Your Hidden Blocks, she’ll show you how to overcome the three biggest barriers to abundance and the limiting beliefs and paradigms that are blocking your connection to the abundant universe.

In this free eBook, you’ll learn what is really holding you back from getting what you want, why you’ve been getting the results you’ve been getting, and how to change that.

“Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?” ~ Mary Morrissey

in abundance

You’ll discover how to transform your mindset from one of scarcity and lack to one of abundance and prosperity. In this Free Abundance eBook, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 most common abundance blocks that may be keeping you from achieving the success you want.
  • The keys that wealthy people repeatedly use to become magnets for an abundance of opportunities.
  • A proven system that will help you finally break free from any abundance blocks you have, so that you can finally have the monetary abundance, an abundance of joy, peace of mind, and free time you desire.

Click here to download this free abundance eBook now

abundance blocks ebook

Free Abundance Meditation with Mary Morrissey

Are you ready to experience more material abundance, freedom & flow in your life? Even if meditation didn’t work for you before, you’ll find this free guided abundance audio meditation to be extremely easy to follow and highly effective.

Download Mary Morrissey’s free guided meditation. Then listen and allow your mind to breathe in her words as you explore the abundant universe you live in that’s always seeking greater expansion and expression through you.

“Everything is created twice. First in thought, and then in form.” ~ Mary Morrissey

Learn a simple but powerful prosperity practice you can apply to begin creating greater abundance, freedom, and flow in your life starting today.


The more you listen to this beautiful guided meditation, the stronger your connection will be, and the easier it will be to attract more material abundance, fulfillment, and joy into your life.

When you listen to this 10-minute guided Abundance Meditation, you’ll:

  • Know there is a Power breathing you that is calling you to a freer, fuller life.
  • Calm your mind and turn feelings of unhappiness and longing into a clear vision of the life you would love to live.
  • Hold firmly to that vision every day so you can live with gratitude, no matter what the present brings.
  • Welcome abundance as it flows into your life with a newfound vision and grateful heart.

Click here to download this free abundance meditation now

Free Abundance Meditation

Free Abundance Masterclass with Mary Morrissey

In this free abundance Masterclass, you’ll learn how to start dissolving the 3 most common abundance blocks to unlock greater joy, more fulfillment, and time and money freedom.

In this practical, action-oriented abundance Masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • Why the way that most people approach life and goal setting actually backfires and repels abundance… making it impossible to achieve greater success, and trapping them in lack and scarcity?
  • How to apply “The Baby Elephant” principle to access the greater power and abundance that’s already within you.
  • The closely guarded secrets that wealthy people use consistently to become magnets for an abundance of opportunities that you can start applying today.
  • You’ll also receive Mary’s personal powerful money affirmations that you can use immediately to align yourself with the energy of abundance.

Click here to sign up for this free abundance Masterclass today

free abundance masterclassfree abundance masterclass

8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money

The key to living in abundance and attracting an abundance of riches is mastering the laws of abundance AND releasing the blocks!

This is the ONLY way you can create the monetary abundance, time freedom, joy, fulfillment, and peace of mind that, deep down, we all want.

In this proven, step-by-step system to eliminate your hidden abundance blocks, you’ll learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind to grow in abundance and attract an abundance of riches into your life.

Click here to check out Mary Morrissey’s Abundance Course

multiply your money

The Meaning Of Abundance
Abundance Of Blessings
Abundance Of Happiness Meaning
An Abundance Of Joy
An Abundance Of Riches
Material Abundance

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