Free Abundance Courses to Manifest Monetary Abundance

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Free Abundance Courses to Attract Monetary Abundance

Learn spiritual ways of attracting money and monetary abundance to manifest an abundance of blessings and start living in abundance with free abundance courses.

Breaking through your hidden abundance blocks is the secret to welcoming an abundance of blessings, prosperity, and wealth into your life. This is the key to manifesting everything you truly desire in life.

We humans, as spiritual beings, have access to an infinite abundance. We live in a generous, abundant universe with plenty of opportunities. However, many people live in a scarcity mindset, believing that they will never achieve the prosperity that they so desperately desire.

The free abundance courses below will teach you the best money manifestation techniques to get rid of your abundance blocks, and spiritual ways to attract money and abundance into your life.

monetary abundance

Free 4-Part Video Series: Healing Your Relationship with Money 

Discover the inner barriers that impact your money experiences to start the process of healing your relationship with money in this 4-part video series, presented in collaboration with esteemed wealth and mental health experts.

Instead of feeling anxious, afraid, stressed, or guilty about our finances, how do we change how we relate to money in a way that supports and sustains us?

The first step is to become aware of the money beliefs, patterns, and narratives that limit our ability to receive. This new series offers simple yet effective practices you can use right now to start the process.

This free series features four engaging video lessons from esteemed wealth and mental health experts including Rha Goddess, Judy Wilkins-Smith, Spencer Sherman, and Joyce Marter.

Here’s what you’ll discover in the Healing Your Relationship with Money series:

  • Four insightful video-learning sessions with esteemed wealth and mental health experts including Rha Goddess, Judy Wilkins-Smith, Spencer Sherman, and Joyce Marter.
  • Gain awareness by identifying the money beliefs, patterns, and conditioning that limit your capacity to receive. Once you become aware of these internal factors, you can start healing your financial mindset.
  • Empowering practices are designed to support you in cultivating a more peaceful and fulfilling relationship with money. You will learn what a healthy relationship with money feels like, and how to develop one for yourself.

Each video learning session identifies what a healthy relationship with money looks and feels like and is an empowering practice to develop a more personal relationship that cultivates a sense of ease, joy, and peace with the flow of money in your life.

Click here to sign up for this free money healing series

in abundance

Free Tap Into Money EFT with Brad Yates

Coaching combined with Tapping or EFT can help you change your mind about yourself and the world, bring more peace into your life, and cultivate a more powerful success mindset.

Brad Yates is a world-renowned EFT specialist known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Tapping/EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). And his abundance-attracting sessions are among his most popular.

Of all the issues Brad helps people with, money comes with the longest list of subconscious limiting beliefs.  Many of us have subconscious barriers to allowing money to flow easily to us.

Get access to a powerful free tapping session with EFT master practitioner, Brad Yates, to clear your blocks to abundance and lay the groundwork for accessing your abundant financial destiny.

You’ll be guided through tapping exercises in this powerful recording to help you experience a greater abundance of health, wealth, and happiness in your life.

“The level to which we don’t have what we say we want is the level to which we resist it.” ~ Brad Yates

You’ll also learn about Brad’s EFT program, Tap into Money, which was created to show you that it is possible to manifest the money you desire (and how to do it too).

Tapping can not only help you release your money blocks and even turn you into a money magnet. The step-by-step, self-paced Tap Into Money EFT program unlocks your financial potential and empowers you to connect with your innate money magnetism by:

  • Identifying and eliminating what’s stopping you from the abundance you deserve
  • Setting you up for long-term success so you never have to worry about money again
  • Shifting your money mindset to allow money to flow easily to you.

For a limited time, you’ll get 54% off Tap Into Money and get 5 exclusive bonuses too.

Click here to eliminate your money blocks with EFT

EFT for money

Manifestation In The Modern World (MMW) Meditation

In this fast-paced world, finding the mental space to manifest our dreams can be challenging. Yet, legendary dream builders like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Amelia Earhart thrived on such mental clarity.

To help you tap into this power, Mary Morrissey, a renowned authority on success, offers a new 8-minute guided meditation, “Manifestation in the Modern World.” It will help you:

  • Overcome daily distractions and reconnect with your inner visions and desires.
  • Access the mental space that has fueled the greatest achievers throughout history.
  • Start manifesting wealth, fulfilling work, loving relationships, and personal freedom.

Download this free 8-minute manifestation meditation and rewire your mind for maximum manifesting power. Over the next two weeks, you will also receive additional tools and resources to enhance your manifesting journey.

Click here to download the free manifestation meditation

manifestation meditation

3 Steps to Raise Your Vibration & Manifest Anything Masterclass

Imagine what your life would look like if you could manifest your dreams into reality! What if you had the secret code to unlock the power of your mind and align yourself with the universal laws of abundance?

“Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?” ~ Mary Morrissey

What if you could achieve anything you desired with ease and joy? The good news is, that there’s a system for change you can follow to achieve anything you want in life, faster and easier than ever.

In this FREE masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • How to create a crystal clear vision that ignites a fire inside for change
  • A simple daily ritual that raises your vibration FAST, so you can manifest your dreams with ease
  • Why 97% of people fail to achieve their goals and how to avoid their mistakes
  • The little-known way to activate the Law of Abundance from within, attracting unlimited opportunities, resources, and solutions
  • How to rewire your belief system to close the gap from where you are to where you want to be in record time

Sign up for this masterclass, “The 3 Steps To Raise Your Vibration & Manifest Anything,” and discover the system that’s helped tens of thousands of people around the world manifest their dream life.

Whether you want to improve your health, wealth, relationships, happiness, or any other aspect of your life, this masterclass will provide you with actionable steps to make your dreams a reality.

Click here to unlock the secrets to transforming your life

raise your vibration masterclass

Mary Morrissey’s Free Vision Board Kit

Have you created vision boards before but still haven’t manifested the wealth, love, fulfilling work, health, or freedom you desire? Most people create vision boards from a place of want and lack, disconnecting them from the vibrational frequency of abundance.

This reduces the vision board to a mere wish list. The real magic lies in discovering and activating the part of you that knows you’ll succeed – your Ignited Self, the version of you that already embodies success and abundance – and creating a vision board from your Ignited Self.

Transformational leader and dreambuilder coach, Mary Morrissey, has revolutionized the process of vision boarding. She’s just released a new, expanded Vision Board Kit, and it’s available for free.

Mary’s Ignited Self Vision Board Kit is designed to activate your true manifesting power. One powerful tool is the “blank check,” which you can write to the Universe to manifest your dreams.

Inspired by Jim Carrey, who wrote himself a $10 million check for “acting services rendered” and achieved it 10 years later, this practice is about more than just writing a check. Jim Carrey reached a place of absolute inner knowing that he was destined for greatness before writing his check.

Mary’s Ignited Self Vision Board Kit guides you to this place of inner conviction, making your vision board a powerful tool for manifestation. Her Vision Board Creation process is now available as a free downloadable vision board kit.

Here’s how it works:

  • Develop Your ‘4 Quadrant’ Vision: Craft a holistic vision for life satisfaction without sacrificing what’s truly important.
  • Unleash Your Imagination: Define your true desires and dream life.
  • Stay Inspired: Access tools to keep you motivated and prevent burnout.

This newly expanded vision board kit includes inspirational quotes, power words, affirmation cards, blank checks, and more to help you create your ultimate dream vision. It’s available for free for a limited time.

Click here for the Free Ignited Self-Vision Board Kit

vision board kit

The Best Day Guidebook

Ever wonder how highly successful people achieve extraordinary results in a fraction of the time? One of the secrets to their success lies in their daily routines.

All happy, high achievers practice very similar morning and bedtime routines. While most of us are content to simply roll out of bed and begin our days on autopilot, highly successful people understand that the way they start each morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Likewise, a healthy bedtime routine can support you in feeling grateful, happier, and more fulfilled throughout the day. You can have a beautiful vision for the life you would love, but the right daily practices are what help you actually manifest that vision.

Transform your daily routine for success and fulfillment with the Best Day Guidebook. When you use this guidebook, you will:

  • Start your days with intentionality to accomplish more than most do in a week
  • End your nights in an inspired headspace with a clear vision of tomorrow
  • Feel more in control of yourself, your time, and your destiny than ever

The Best Day Guidebook includes two parts: an explanation of Mary’s morning and evening routines and a new journal with prompts to customize these routines for your own life and goals. Follow the five steps each morning and five steps each night before bed, and you’ll start feeling more productive, focused, and happier in no time.

Click here to download the Best Day Guidebook

dream life book

The Meaning Of Abundance
Abundance Of Blessings
Abundance Of Happiness Meaning
An Abundance Of Joy
An Abundance Of Riches
Material Abundance
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