Free Branding Archetypes Quiz To Create Your Personal Brand

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Free Branding Archetypes Quiz

Take Kaye Putnam’s free branding archetypes quiz and learn how to use the 12 Jungian brand archetypes to create a powerful personal brand.

What are brand archetypes and how do they play a role in brand development? Archetypes have their roots in Greek Mythology and are grounded in decades of psychological research. They are universally recognized figures that stand for certain basic human motivations and emotions.

Psychology-driven brand strategist, Kaye Putnam, explains how to use the 12 Jungian brand archetypes to tap into the subconscious and emotional desires of your audience to create a personal brand that stands the test of time.

Are you wondering, “What’s my archetype?” Take Kaye’s Free Branding Archetypes Quiz to learn which of the 12 archetypes you represent. Once you find your archetype, you’ll discover your unique strengths and psychological triggers to attract more of your ideal clients.

In Kaye Putnam’s Free Workshop on How To Build A Crystal-Clear Brand That Attracts Your Ideal Clients, you’ll learn how to build a crystal-clear brand that attracts your ideal clients without compromising your true self, values, or beliefs.

Throw out your ideal client avatars to build a stronger brand with less work and baffle your competitors by attracting clients willing to pay 2X or 3X more and then rave about the experience. Learn the ONE thing you need to improve to make all of the other activities you’re doing for your business work 10X better.

Kaye’s Brand Fluency Courses will help you discover what “on-brand” means for you so you can unlock your brand’s potential with a powerful action plan, aligned with your brand archetype.

What’s my archetype?

Watch the interview below and learn how to use Kaye’s brand-building strategies in creating a brand that stands the test of time.

Read the Full Transcript: Using Brand Archetypes For Personal Branding With Kaye Putnam

Kaye Putnam Archetypes Quiz

Kaye Putnam Archetypes In Branding
Kaye Putnam archetypes branding
12 Jungian Archetypes Quiz



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