writers branding

10 Reasons To Start Building A Writer Platform With Blogging


Wondering how to build a writer platform and sell more books? Learn why a blog is a crucial component for building an author platform and author brand.

Book marketing strategies have changed a great deal today. Most publishers will not even consider publishing an author who has not built a platform for readers hungry to read their books.

Why you should build a writer platform with blogging

One of the best tools you can use to start building an author platform is a blog. Here are some reasons why a blog is one of the best social media platforms for writers.

#1. Sell without hype

As writers, we think of author branding as too salesy. We’re wary of sounding too salesy when we promote our books and veer away from any sort of marketing that makes us feel cheap or “hypey.”

Too much marketing talk puts us off the very crucial task of promoting our book to boost sales. But blogs are a tool for communication and sharing information, not a sales letter.

Writing a blog is like writing a letter to your readers, because you can showcase your writing talent and book excerpts, as well as your book promotions, without any sales talk or hype that might end up putting off readers.

Freelance Writer

#2. Attract an audience with your writing

Blogs are a marketing tool that allows you to use your natural creative writing talent to reach out to your audience and build a relationship with them. Many good books have started out as blogs, and vice versa.

Most writers take to blogging like a fish to water. A blog is the best writer’s branding platform to showcase your writing, capture subscribers, and keep in touch with readers and potential book buyers.

#3. Inexpensive & easy to setup

The cost of setting up a blog can range from free to less than $50, including the price of a domain and professional website hosting. You can use free or paid themes to design your blog or add it to an existing website.

Many bestselling authors have built up massive followings by blogging on free sites, like Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin, who started out on LiveJournal and then moved to his own domain.

#4. Boost your commitment to your art

For most professional writers, writing is a discipline that must be followed every day. Committing to writing a blog regularly keeps your writing skills sharp, even on days when you don’t feel like writing.

And if you’re dealing with writer’s block, these practical tips for overcoming writer’s block will help the words flow again.

marketing for writers

#5. Grow a loyal readership

Blogging is a way of telling your readers that they will hear from you, come rain or shine. Knowing that your favorite author is going to update their blog regularly keeps readers coming back for more.

Blogs are also easily shared with others, and the social media component of blogging can alone ensure that your posts go viral, especially once you’ve built up a loyal readership of fans who love your writing.

This is why blogs are one of the best social media platforms for writers to brand themselves online.

#6. Boost your writer’s branding

Improving your search visibility is an important part of developing your writer platform and author brand. When readers search for you on Google, you want them to find your blog.

Your blog and writer website should include your biography, experience, and writing credits, as well as copies of your work and links to your published work or books.

If you update your blog regularly and Google starts identifying your indie author website with your name as a writer and author, it can help potential readers find you on Google much more easily.

writer platform

#7. Build a mailing list of raving fans

Blogging can help you build a mailing list of raving fans who love your writing, according to book marketing experts like Nick Stephenson.

It can grow your audience on autopilot and help you sell more books and other products without being “sleazy.”

When you turn your blog traffic into subscribers and follow up with them, you’ll convert random book browsers into book readers and buyers.

Then, when you promote your existing work to new readers and launch your new titles to your mailing list, they’ll snap them up like hotcakes.

#8. Land a publishing contract or movie deal

Turning your blog into a book is just one way to repurpose your blog content into a lasting product that builds your personal brand and authority, and generates income.

One of the best author platform examples is Andy Weir’s book, The Martian, which began as a series of self-published chapters in a serialized format on his personal blog.

When he published it on Amazon Kindle, it topped Amazon’s bestselling list of science fiction. It then debuted at number 12 on The New York Times bestseller list for hardcover fiction books, and it landed a publishing deal with Random House as well as a movie deal in the same week.

Your indie author website and blog can help you get noticed by traditional publishers, as well as other authors hoping to build partnerships and co-promote their books.

It can open opportunities for partnerships and collaborations that you never thought possible.

#9. Showcase your writing portfolio

If you’re a professional writer interested in publishing a book someday, you probably earn your bread and butter as a freelance writer or by taking on other writing gigs.

But the freelance marketplace is saturated with writers, so if you’re serious about building a writing career, you need to have your own writer’s website and blog.

Having a freelance writer website can help you build your writer platform, stand out from other freelancers, get high-paying clients, land the best freelance writing gigs, and earn high freelance writing rates.

Your indie author website and blog can become a 24/7 writer’s branding and sales machine for your writing services, helping you earn a regular income and keeping the lights on while you write your book.

#10. Monetize your writer platform

Successful bloggers like Jon Morrow and book writing coaches like Lisa Tener sell their own courses and products from their blogs. If your blog starts getting enough traffic, it can easily become a major new source of income for you.

Depending on your blog topic and the traffic you attract, you can start earning money from blogging. The two most popular ways to monetize your writer’s platform and blog are with advertising and affiliate networks.

You can supplement your writing income with advertising networks that display pay-per-click ads on your site. You can also sign up for affiliate programs and promote them on your writer’s website, especially if you learn how to write SEO-optimized content and build your website traffic.

In fact, many professional writers find that monetizing their own website is so lucrative, that they can make it their primary source of income. Learn how to start building your writer platform by downloading my author branding books so you can build a list of readers and sell more books.

book publishing

Which blogging platform is best for writers?

There are many blogging platforms available that are suitable for writers, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs and goals. Some popular options include:

#1. WordPress

WordPress is a widely-used, open-source platform that offers a variety of themes and plugins to customize your blog. It is easy to use and has a large community of users and developers, so there is plenty of support available.

In addition to these advantages of WordPress, the SEO benefits of WordPress for bloggers are well-known.

#2. Medium

Medium is a popular blogging platform that is known for its clean, minimalist design and easy-to-use interface.

It is particularly popular with writers and journalists and offers features like a built-in audience and the ability to monetize your content through membership programs or sponsorships.

social media platforms for writers

#3. Blogger

Blogger is a simple, user-friendly platform that is owned by Google. It is a good choice for bloggers who want an easy way to get started, and it integrates with other Google products like AdSense for monetization.

#4. Squarespace

Squarespace is a paid platform that offers a variety of customizable templates and design options. It is a good choice for writers who want a professional-looking blog and are willing to pay for additional features and support.

Ultimately, the best blogging platform for you will depend on your specific needs and goals as a writer. Consider your budget, the type of content you want to publish, and your level of technical expertise when choosing a blogging platform.

Blogging & book marketing tips

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Author Platform Building


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