Pinterest SEO Tips

Google SEO Vs Pinterest SEO For Bloggers: 7 Essential Differences

Learn the essential differences between Google SEO and Pinterest SEO to help you boost your search engine ranking on both Google and Pinterest.

SEO is one of the best sources of traffic for new bloggers, which is why most bloggers give a great deal of importance to getting targeted search engine traffic.

Google and Pinterest are both powerful and popular search engines that can bring in a lot of traffic if you know how to use them. In my article on SEO for bloggers, I cover the basics of WordPress SEO.

In these Pinterest courses for bloggers, you’ll learn how Pinterest works and how to use Pinterest to boost your blog traffic. Google SEO and Pinterest SEO for bloggers can both be very effective ways of boosting your search engine visibility and rankings.

But, besides the fact that keywords and user engagement impact rankings on both Google and Pinterest, Google SEO and Pinterest SEO have a number of significant differences.

This means ranking on Google and ranking on Pinterest takes a very different set of skills.

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Google SEO Vs Pinterest SEO for Bloggers

In this article and the accompanying infographic, I outline 7 primary differences between Google SEO and Pinterest SEO to help you boost your search engine ranking on both Google and Pinterest.

#1. How to research keywords

With Google SEO, you can use free and professional SEO tools to research keywords for your blog posts. With Pinterest, you can use Pinterest search to research keyword suggestions.

#2. Type of content

Google ranks text, audio, and video content, while Pinterest ranks visual content such as images, infographics, and now, video.

#3. Authoritative vs fresh content

On Google, authoritative, long-form, content ranks best as long as it is kept up-to-date and current. Pinterest now gives preference to fresh, new Pins, with well-optimized descriptions.

#4. How long it takes to rank

On Google, content can take months to rank, while on Pinterest, content can rank in minutes or hours.

#5. Rankings over time

On Google, rankings for the same page usually improve over time, while on Pinterest, rankings for the same Pin usually decrease over time.

#6. How keywords matter

Google usually ranks a single URL for multiple search terms as long as it is well-optimized and covers the topic in detail. Pinterest ranks each Pin for closely related search terms based on the description, hashtags, and URL it links to.

7. How much content can you rank on the same topic

On Google, it’s advisable to create only 1 URL targeting a single topic, otherwise, you tend to cannibalize keywords and confuse the search engine about which page is the most authoritative.

On Pinterest, you can create multiple, fresh pins for the same URL, all targeting the same keywords. Here’s a table showing the 7 differences between Google SEO and Pinterest SEO:

Google SEO vs Pinterest SEO

I hope this list of differences between Google SEO and Pinterest SEO will show you how to use SEO to boost your visibility and rankings on both these search engines.

Learn how to use Pinterest the right way and get advanced Pinterest tutorials and tools to grow your blog traffic.

Get a free trial of the Tailwind App and use their SmartGuide to automatically Pin at the best times for more engagement, reach, and website traffic with one tool.

Tailwind is an official Pinterest partner and on average Tailwind, members get 6.9X more Repins on Pinterest.

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