Pinterest Traffic Avalanche by Create and Go

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Review: Why It’s The Top Pinterest Course Online

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I purchased Alex and Lauren’s Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course in early June 2018. Here’s what I was able to achieve in a year of implementing it.

Are you having a hard time figuring out Pinterest? You’re not alone. Even as someone who’s been online since 2001, and been a social media marketer since social media emerged, I had a hard time with Pinterest.

I almost gave up on it, until I read stories of how bloggers were getting humongous amounts of traffic (I mean hundreds of thousands of page views) to their website via Pinterest.

As of 2022, Pinterest has over 400 million active users and millennials use Pinterest as much as they use Instagram, so it’s not wise to ignore it as a source of traffic any longer (for more Pinterest stats and tips to get started, sign up for my free Pinterest course for bloggers).

I also realized that, at a time when reach and engagement on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, are falling and most channels are increasingly becoming pay-to-play, Pinterest can still bring loads of organic traffic to your website, if you know how to do it right.

I knew that to learn how to do it right, I had to go to the experts. And this meant someone who had been very successful in leveraging Pinterest to grow their business.

That’s when I came across a Pinterest course by Alex Nerney & Lauren McManus, who make over $100,000/month with their two blogs, and their primary source of traffic is… you guessed it… Pinterest. Yes, they’re the cute couple in the image below.

Alex and Lauren at Create and Go
Alex and Lauren at Create and Go

These guys are truly experts in Pinterest marketing and I was thoroughly impressed with their course syllabus and lessons. So, I purchased Alex and Lauren’s Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course in early June 2018 and started implementing their guidelines.

At this time I had also signed up for Melyssa Griffin’s Pinfinite Growth course (no longer available) and learned a lot from it. But I keep returning to the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course because some of the things that Alex and Lauren taught are unavailable elsewhere.

Also, some of their Pinterest practices appealed to me more than the ones that were taught in other Pinterest courses. I can’t go into that in more detail here, because it wouldn’t be fair to reveal any of the tactics they taught.

But believe me, I signed up to try out almost every free Pinterest Marketing course offered by the Pinterest experts (many of them very knowledgeable in their own right) and I loved Pinterest Traffic Avalanche the most!

So, I immersed myself in the course to try and figure out how to go about getting my share of Pinterest traffic to my own websites, (my women’s magazine) and (my brand new travel blog).

Since I started in 2007, I had been half-assedly using Pinterest (in a very clueless manner) to share images from the website to my very unfocused bunch of Pinterest boards.

And that was it! I did nothing more on Pinterest because I had no idea how it worked.

Despite that, the website was getting a tiny bit of traffic from Pinterest, thanks to some Pins that other people had created for a couple of my articles.

Now, Pinterest is not a social network. It’s actually a visual search engine or discovery engine. So, just like Google SEO, Pinterest SEO takes a few months to show results.

The upside is that, unlike other social media content, Pins have a long shelf-life. A Pin can, on average, live for 7 months on Pinterest (compared to Twitter’s 7 minutes).

Since I started implementing the guidelines in Pinterest Traffic Avalanche, I have seen a significant increase in traffic from Pinterest. Since April 2018, you can see how my efforts have paid off in terms of traffic (sessions) from Pinterest on both my websites below.

AhoyMatey June 2019
Pinterest Traffic for AhoyMatey
Pinterest Traffic for Naaree
Pinterest Traffic for Naaree

So much that Pinterest became the #1 source of social traffic on Naaree.

Social Traffic Naaree
Social Traffic for Naaree

I was also able to grow my Pinterest audience for my brand new travel blog to over 100,000 monthly unique viewers in just four months! Few social networks can claim that kind of organic growth.

Ahoy Matey Monthly Unique Views
Ahoy Matey Monthly Unique Views

What I loved about the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course is that it uses no blackhat techniques that are so popular in the SEO world.

Even though Pinterest is essentially a search engine, all the methods taught in the course are entirely kosher and will never get you banned or suspended.

Here are the broad topics covered in the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course:

  • Pinterest Updates and Algorithm Changes
  • Frequently Asked Questions and Topics
  • Laying the Foundation to Pinterest Success
  • Getting Started and Setting Up Your Account for Success
  • Pinterest Search Engine Optimization
  • Creating Your Own Pinterest Pins
  • Pinning Strategies
  • Creating Viral Content on Pinterest
  • How to Avoid Pinterest Jail
  • The Power of Group Boards
  • Automating Your Pinterest Traffic
  • Tailwind Tribes
  • Analytics and Tracking Progress
  • Promoting Pins
  • Other Pinning Tools

In addition, you’ll get the Bonus Lessons below:

  • Pinterest Ninja Secrets
  • How to use other traffic platforms (Instagram and Google SEO)
  • Bonus material from their Six-Figure Course program to help you monetize your Pinterest traffic

You’ll also get access to their private Facebook group where you can get answers to any of your Pinterest questions.

All of these lessons and bonuses have convinced me that Pinterest Traffic Avalanche is, by far, the BEST Pinterest course on the market! And I don’t make that claim lightly because I’ve tried almost all of them.

So if you’re interested in using Pinterest to get traffic (and you should definitely be, if your target audience is women under 40), get this course so you can start using this potentially huge source of traffic in a systematic and strategic manner.

Learn how to use Pinterest the right way and get advanced Pinterest tutorials and tools to grow your blog traffic with Pinterest.

Pinterest Tips & Tools


© 2018 – 2024, Priya Florence Shah. All rights reserved.

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12 thoughts on “Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Review: Why It’s The Top Pinterest Course Online”

  1. This is really interesting and I’m definitely looking into this course. In the short time I’ve been blogging, I’ve found Pinterest to be the most confusing platform, but also the biggest source of my traffic. I feel like there is a lot of potential there that I’m not tapping into.

  2. I have been following CreateandGo for the past 2 years and I am quite confident that they really provide value.

    Especially their Youtube Videos and Courses are great.

    Thanks for the reiview

  3. Hello mam,
    Is the article which is available for pinterest on createandgo Will it be told again or something different?

    Whether Ninja Secrets will benefit or not, because I am new to blogging and want to grow quickly, will it be able to benefit me? Because I belong to a poor family. Waiting for your answer …

    1. Hi Ranvir,

      Please understand that, just like Google SEO, it takes time and effort to build traffic on Pinterest. If you are having trouble affording the course, you can pay instalments. But don’t expect to get quick results or make fast money from Pinterest. It’s a long-term traffic strategy.

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