
10 Good Life Habits to Rewire Your Brain for Positivity and Success

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A positive attitude can help you be successful in life. So, what are the good life habits you can start doing to rewire your brain for positivity and success?

In this article, you’ll find positive thinking exercises and habits that can help in rewiring the brain for positivity, optimism, and happiness. So keep those rose-tinted glasses on and read on!

The Power of Positive Thinking

The idea that a positive mindset and optimistic attitude result in better relationships, higher achievement, happiness, and overall well-being is known as the “power of positive thinking.”

Optimism can increase resilience in the face of adversity and people who are optimistic, meaning those who focus on positive thoughts and feelings, are happier, more resilient, and better equipped to handle stress and bounce back from setbacks quickly.

Positive thinking has also been linked to better physical health, in terms of lower blood pressure, greater immunological function, and a decreased risk of chronic disease.

Having a positive attitude and being optimistic can also improve your relationships with others. Positivity makes you more approachable and likable, which can help you build strong and supportive relationships.

“Your life is but a reflection of the predominance of your thoughts.” ~ Abraham Hicks

rewire your brain for positive thinking

10 Good Life Habits to Rewire Your Brain for Positivity & Success

In this article, I’ve listed 10 healthy habits to follow every day if you want to be positive and successful.

Integrating these good habits into your daily life can rewire your brain to be positive and nurture positive mental health and wellness.

#1. Work on healing your past trauma

Many people have inadvertently endured trauma that has resulted in symptoms, actions, and behaviors for which there is no known fundamental cause. The pandemic was both retraumatizing for many people and the beginning of a new experience of collective trauma.

Whether experienced in childhood or as an adult, psychological trauma can have lifelong negative impacts on mental health, including PTSD symptoms, sadness, anxiety, addiction, and trouble controlling emotions and interpersonal interactions.

Emotional trauma can also cause physical health issues like headaches and persistent discomfort, as well as psychosomatic disorders. Depending on the type of trauma and the person’s coping mechanisms, these consequences can change.

It’s critical to get expert help if you are experiencing trauma-related symptoms. Speaking with a therapist or counselor can assist you in processing your trauma and creating coping mechanisms. Your doctor may recommend medication to treat trauma-related symptoms like anxiety and clinical depression.

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positive motivation

Healing the nervous system from trauma also entails adopting good daily habits that support your healing process. Many alternative and complementary healing modalities have demonstrated success in healing trauma.

As each of us requires a unique approach to healing, you may find it more effective to use a combination of these techniques in your daily routine to help you rewire your brain and heal past trauma.

Becoming a member of a support group created for those who have gone through similar traumatic experiences can also provide you with a sense of belonging and validation, as well as useful coping strategies for dealing with trauma.

It’s important to remember that healing trauma takes time, and everyone’s journey is different. It’s also important to work with a mental health professional to develop a personalized treatment plan that’s right for you.

“Trauma is a result of an overwhelming sense of danger, powerlessness, and fear. Healing is a result of feeling safe, empowered, and supported.” ~ Unknown

optimistic meaning

#2. Start writing a book of positive aspects

Practicing gratitude and taking time each day to reflect on the things you appreciate in your life is one of the good daily habits that can help shift your focus from negative to positive thoughts.

The Book of Positive Aspects is one of 22 manifestation techniques that Abraham-Hicks teaches in their book, “Ask and It Is Given,” to help align with the high vibration of gratitude and appreciation. It’s similar to writing a gratitude journal but with a focus on one topic at a time.

According to their teachings, whatever you focus on most will become dominant in your reality. So keeping a Book of Positive Aspects can help rewire your brain with gratitude, as you start writing a list of the positive features of any topic in your life.

“Nothing brings out the worst in another faster than you’re focusing upon it. Nothing brings out the best in another faster than you’re focusing upon it.” ~ Abraham Hicks

For instance, if you’re experiencing relationship woes, deliberately writing a list of only the positive aspects of the person that you’re in conflict with can help you transform your relationship dynamics and allow a more positive relationship.

You can do this for any topic in your life that you’re having trouble with to help you focus on the positive, become more solution-focused, and attract more positivity into your life.

“When you focus on the good, the good gets better.” ~ Abraham Hicks

good life habits

#3. Start a daily meditation practice

Good morning habits can set the tone for the rest of the day and help you feel more productive, energized, and positive. One very effective way of rewiring the brain for positivity and success is by starting a daily meditation practice.

Meditation can help you increase focus and self-awareness while reducing stress and negative thoughts. It is also one of the most popular daily habits of successful people.

However, for people who are coping with trauma, meditation is not always a good option for self-care, and can even make matters worse because their nervous system may be dysregulated.

But if you’re not healing from trauma, here are some of the most effective meditation techniques to rewire your brain to be positive:

  • Mindfulness meditation: Practicing mindfulness meditation entails remaining objectively present in the moment without judgment. It can help you become more conscious of your thoughts and emotions while easing tension and unpleasant feelings.
  • Loving-kindness meditation: When practicing loving-kindness meditation, you can focus on sending positive vibrations and love to both yourself and others in your life. It can help you develop empathy and compassion.
  • Positive visualization: Visualizing a positive outcome or desired state of being is known as positive visualization. It can help you develop a positive outlook and boost motivation for reaching your goals.
  • Body scan meditation: The body scan meditation technique entails relaxing each part of your body as you pay attention to it. It can help encourage relaxation and ease stress.

Remember that the consistency of your meditation sessions matters more than their length, as cultivating optimism and positive thinking requires regular meditation to rewire the brain.

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” ~ Anonymous

meditation to rewire the brain

#4. Think positive thoughts

If you fill your mind with doomscrolling, negativity, and bad news, you’ll find it harder to stay positive. The reason I never watch the daily news is that it’s filled with negativity.

Your mind is like a computer, and what you put into it determines what you’ll get out of it. As that old saying goes, “Garbage in, garbage out.” Starting your day with positive thoughts is the best daily life habit you can adopt.

One of my favorite morning habits is listening to inspiring and uplifting audio on my playlist while I’m doing my morning routine and chores. They put me in a positive frame of mind and help me be positive throughout the day.

You too can rewire your brain to be happy by listening to this list of the best self-help audiobooks for self-improvement every morning.

“When joy is really important to you, you do not allow yourself to focus upon things that do not feel good — and the result of thinking only thoughts that feel good would cause you to create a wonderful life filled with all things that you desire.” ~ Abraham Hicks

positive messages

If you like staying abreast of world news, you can curate your newsfeed to only show you the good news in the world and avoid the negativity that mainstream media spews.

One of the most inspiring teachers who helped me challenge my negative habits and patterns of thinking and embrace the power of positivity is Jack Canfield.

In his Free Guide to Overcome Negative Thoughts and Feelings, you’ll learn how to attract positivity, wealth, and abundance while lifting your spirits through daily affirmations, support, goal setting, prioritizing, and more.

It does take time and practice to change negative habits and patterns of thinking and cultivate an optimistic attitude, but you can transform your thinking by consistently starting your day with positive messages and listening to them whenever you get a break.

“It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive, to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.” ~ Robert H. Schuller

positive thoughts

#5. Only speak positive words

From the time we’re born, people and events drill negative habits of thinking into us. It’s very tempting to engage in negative talk like complaining, gossiping, nagging, and criticism because, as humans, we love drama.

But the words you speak have power, and by participating in these harmful activities, you’re only reinforcing negative thinking and not doing yourself any favors.

You can’t change outside circumstances or other people, and whining about the things you don’t like about the world or talking trash about the people you despise is not going to help you stay positive or attract good things into your life.

If you want to rewire your brain for positivity and success, you must be willing to give up your habit of negative talk and put out only positive vibes, even if the sole reason is to help you attract better things into your life.

“You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are — but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you do not like about where you are.” ~ Abraham Hicks

So, determine your triggers and make a note of the situations or events that frequently cause you to think negatively. Be mindful of your responses and challenge thoughts that make you feel bad. You can take action to better manage your triggers once you’re aware of them.

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positive vibes only

The 10 Steps to Overcome Negativity program will reprogram your subconscious mind while sleeping to help you stop complaining, build flexibility in your expectations, and learn how to gracefully handle disappointment and setbacks.

Therapy is a good way to help challenge negative thinking. A good therapist can help you become aware of flaws in your thinking, deal with your triggers, and create a more positive mental attitude.

Also, remember to only practice positive self-talk and be mindful of the words you use when talking to yourself. Only use positive words, and banish that critic from your head. When you become more accepting of yourself, you’ll be more accepting of the world and the people in it.

“You can’t watch out for bad things and allow good things at the same time. It is vibrationally not possible.” ~ Abraham Hicks

positive words

#6. Choose optimism and happiness

From the time we come into this world, we’re taught that we need a reason to be happy and that we cannot be happy for no reason. But is this really true?

Martin Seligman’s positive psychology is based on the belief that well-being can be defined, measured, and taught.

He studied the psychology of happiness and optimism in positive psychology and believed that therapy and drugs were not the answer to depression.

Instead, Seligman believed that learned optimism can help overcome learned helplessness (the perceived absence of control over one’s life circumstances that can often lead to clinical depression and mental illness) and that you can rewire your brain to be happy.

The first time I realized that positivity is a choice was in a life-changing book called Shortcut Through Therapy by Richard Carlson, one of the foremost experts in happiness and stress reduction.

“Deliberately guiding your thoughts is the key to a joyful life.” ~ Abraham Hicks

positivity is a choice

Since then, I have bought copies of his book and passed them on to others because it helped me completely change my paradigm of happiness and realize that we can choose to focus on the positive no matter what happens to us.

Even if you hate eternal optimists and positive people and this sounds a bit Pollyanna-ish, I recommend giving these ideas a go if your mental health and well-being matter to you. Because if you base your happiness on conditions being perfect, you’ll never be happy.

The Power Positivity Pack will help you stay positive by helping you develop a robustly positive attitude and habits of thought that will protect you from negativity and guide you to greater success no matter what life throws at you.

Once you accept that optimism is the best way to see life and that choosing optimism and positive thinking is good for you, remember that it takes time and practice to change your negative thought patterns, so be patient and compassionate with yourself as you work on rewiring your brain for positivity.

“Success is about a happy life, and a happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people do not allow happy moments because they are so busy trying to get a happy life.” ~ Abraham Hicks

rewire your brain

#7. Find an uplifting workout routine

Exercise is one of the best daily habits to improve life expectancy and psychological wellness. It takes your mind off your worries, allowing you to break the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression and anxiety.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that regular physical activity can improve mood and promote a positive mental attitude. According to one study, regular aerobic exercise can be just as beneficial as antidepressants in easing the symptoms of mild to moderate depression.

Regular exercise has been shown to increase the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that can produce feelings of euphoria and happiness. This is the reason for “runner’s high” or “exercise-induced euphoria.”

Regular exercise can also improve cognitive function, including attention, memory, and executive function, leading to better decision-making, problem-solving, and a better ability to focus.

It can also lead to improved self-esteem and body image, which in turn can lead to improved mood and positivity. The trick to exercising regularly is finding a workout that you enjoy and that works for you.

For some people, putting on music and dancing to it can help them get moving and uplift their mood. For others, a slow and gentle exercise like Qigong can help manage stress and boost overall well-being.

morning habits

#8. Practice emotional self-care

Self-care activities that help you take care of yourself emotionally and mentally are essential healthy daily habits to boost positivity and cultivate a great attitude.

Learn how to be kind and compassionate towards yourself, and practice self-care and self-compassion. Take some time out every day to decompress and spend time doing activities that you enjoy and that put you in a good mood.

Allow yourself to have a good belly laugh every day, whether it’s from watching a funny movie, listening to funny stories from family and friends, or watching funny cat videos online.

“You’re just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.” ~ Abraham Hicks

positive thinking

#9. Surround yourself with positive people

The people you spend time with can have a huge impact on your thoughts and emotions. If you hang around people who whine and complain, they’ll get you down no matter how much you try to be positive.

Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can aid in rewiring the brain for positivity and success. So, choose to only surround yourself with positive people who have a positive outlook on life and who support you and your goals.

They don’t even have to be your own family or friends. Thanks to the internet, you can find many online communities of positive people who share your interests and goals on social media sites.

“You are the average of the five people spend the most time with.” ~ Jim Rohn

positive people

#10. Choose a meaningful career

One of the best ways to be positive, boost your mood, and rewire your brain for positivity is to engage in activities that you enjoy and that give you a sense of purpose.

You can also elevate your mood and confidence by setting inspiring and meaningful goals and working towards them or engaging in enjoyable activities that bring you a sense of accomplishment.

We spend a lot of our time in the workplace, and when we believe that we’re doing meaningful, positive work that helps people and has a positive impact on the world, we tend to have more confidence and self-worth.

A fulfilling career that gives you a sense of purpose in life can contribute to your positivity and happiness and give you greater life satisfaction, while a soul-sucking career can make you miserable.

You’re more likely to be motivated and engaged in your work when your career is in line with your values and interests and offers chances for both professional and personal development.

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Having a meaningful career that actually makes a difference in the world can also make you feel like you’re a part of something greater than yourself and that you’re having a beneficial impact on the world.

“A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth – and joy. Make a ‘career’ of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you – and what you do ‘for a living’ makes you happy – you have found the best of all combinations.” ~ Abraham Hicks

In conclusion, it’s neither necessary nor desirable to always be positive. After all, without the darkness, we wouldn’t appreciate the light, and without the rain, we wouldn’t appreciate the sun.

“Without the darkness, we wouldn’t appreciate the light; without the rain, we wouldn’t appreciate the sun.”

But if you want to live a happy and successful life, adopting these good life habits will help rewire your brain for positive thinking and create the best daily routine to build a positive life.

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Self-Help Guides

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Be Positive
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Positive Self-Talk

© 2023 – 2024, Priya Florence Shah. All rights reserved.

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