coaching business

How To Use PLR Articles To Build A Coaching Business And Brand


As a coach, you’ll always need fresh content to help you build a coaching business and brand. Here’s how to turn PLR articles and content into a unique product.

Do you need fresh content for your blog? Private Label Rights (PLR) content is digital information for which you can claim most or all of the intellectual property rights.

That means they’re yours. You can put your name on them, sell them under your brand, and keep all the money. You may already own a lot of PLR articles and PLR content that is just sitting on your hard drive.

You may not have yet used the PLR content you purchased because you feel it takes too long to turn it into unique, original content or that it’s too expensive to have it rewritten.

If that’s true of you, this article on how to use PLR content will help you finally rework those PLR articles into fresh content that your website visitors, customers, and search engines will love.

If you’re a coach who runs an online coaching business, you already know the importance of providing quality content to your website visitors and clients.

Whether you use daily blog posts, e-courses, a weekly newsletter, or eBooks and reports to build your personal brand as a coach, you need to consistently offer new material for your visitors or they will have no incentive to return.

The problem is that very few professional coaches have time to churn out endless eBooks, articles, and email courses for their audience.

Even if they did have the time, coming up with creative ideas and putting them together in an attractive, readable format can be challenging and require a great deal of patience.

One solution that has been popular with entrepreneurs who need to fuel their online businesses with content is the use of PLR or private label rights content.

No matter the topic of your website, blog, or business, you can find affordable PLR content that matches your needs and niche at PLR websites like:

If you purchase master resell rights to your PLR content, you can even sell these PLR products directly to your coaching clients and create a brand new income stream for yourself.

So what are all the things you can do with private label rights content? Do you use it as it is, or will the search engines cast your website into the pits of obscurity for having “duplicate content”? Will your visitors enjoy the content any less if it’s not 100% original?

quality web content

10 Ways For Coaches To Use PLR Content

The best thing about PLR content is that it can be rewritten to make it truly unique for your business needs, while still providing great value for your website visitors and coaching clients.

Here are a few creative ideas for using private label rights content to save time and effort in creating content and provide value to your visitors and clients:

#1. Chop up your PLR content

You DON’T have to use PLR content exactly in the form you received it! You can easily take portions from various reports, e-courses, and eBooks to make a completely new creation.

Think about topics that are complementary to each other, and see if you can combine two or more topics to make a combination product. For example, a report about goal-setting can be nicely expanded with a few articles on visualization or self-confidence.

#2. Create an email series using PLR articles

If you’re a coach, you can capture your visitors’ emails with a free email series, such as “Daily Self Help Tips” or “Creative Gardening Ideas” (or whatever your chosen topic is), and use it to send out regular emails, keep in touch, and build a relationship with your subscribers.

Use your email follow-up sequence to provide new tips or ideas, promote your own courses and workshops, and even collaborate with other entrepreneurs to promote their products via affiliate links, as long as they are relevant to what you offer.

plr articles

#3. Publish fresh blog content with PLR articles

If you have a blog, you know the challenge of coming up with interesting posts for your visitors to read each day. Why not use some of that private-label content to overcome writer’s block and spark your creativity?

You can take sections of PLR content and add your own comments, and examples, or rewrite sections of the PLR content in your own words, so you end up with completely unique material.

#4. Create free reports with PLR articles

You can take a PLR report (or use 10 PLR articles on the same topic and combine them into a free report) to give to your clients, visitors, and subscribers. Insert some affiliate links or links to your own products and give them away as a lead magnet.

Put a link to this lead magnet in your signature on discussion forums and guest posts on other websites, and let it work as a handy promotional tool for your website and online business.

If you have a coaching business (whether life coach, business coach, prosperity coach, or any other kind of coaching) you can use quality PLR content to send these freebies to your clients.

I know a life coach who does this. He gives special reports and eBooks to his coaching clients as surprise gifts – and they love it!

They feel like he really cares about their success because he lets them know that he’s thinking about them even when not actively engaged in coaching sessions.

seo sem tools

#5. Write a bestselling book with PLR content

If you dream of having your own bestselling book to build your coaching brand and reputation as an expert, PLR content can help you become a book writer and write and publish a book without writing it yourself.

PLR products allow you to create content for new books and eBooks rapidly, so you start selling them and test which ones do better than others.

But you cannot upload PLR content as-it-is to sites like Amazon KDP. You must rewrite the content and turn it into a unique product before you can do that.

#6. Turn PLR content into audiobooks & videos

Another excellent idea is to make audiobooks and videos out of some of the PLR articles or eBooks you have sitting on your hard drive.

Audiobooks and videos are in great demand as they are an easier way for people to get the information they’re looking for but don’t have the time to sit down and read.

Not only are audiobooks and videos more convenient for your clients, but you can also charge more due to the higher perceived value and ease of use of this type of media.

#7. Turn PLR content into a coaching presentation

If you’re at a loss for content to include in your coaching session presentations, you can use PLR content to quickly create a presentation for your coaching clients. Some PLR websites even offer PPTs and videos that you can repurpose for your own coaching presentations.

plr ebooks

#8. Combine PLR content with your own products

If you already have an eBook or eCourse, you can insert portions of PLR content to add more substance, and new ideas, or simply increase the length. You can add PLR articles to another PLR eBook to create a unique information product.

You really just want to make your content a little more unique than everyone else’s who is publishing the same PLR articles, and by combining PLR content from different sources, yours can be more unique.

It helps to start with quality PLR content, of course, or you’ll end up rewriting most of what you use, although this is not always a bad thing.

#9. Offer a PLR eBook as a bonus

You may have a great stand-alone product, but your customers will feel like they’re getting even more bang for their buck if you offer an irresistible bonus along with it.

It’s best to choose a product that complements or expands upon your product in some way. If you have a PLR eBook on business success, why not include a bonus report about building your self-confidence or effective goal setting?

#10. Use PLR content as an upsell

If your eBook sells for $19.95, and you have a PLR eBook or report that fits in with your e-book topic, you can give your customers the option to purchase just the eBook for $19.95, or the eBook AND the report for only $24.95.

This creates added value for your customer, and you can earn more per sale with this upsell. Now that you have some creative ideas of what you can do with your PLR articles and content it’s time to learn how to rewrite and repurpose PLR content.

book publishing

How To Rewrite PLR Articles In 10 Minutes

First of all, there’s no guarantee that you will be able to take every PLR article and make it unique in 10 minutes since everyone has different writing skills and speeds. For instance, some writers may be able to type at 100 wpm, while others are hunt-and-peck typers.

While I have personally taken articles and made them unique within 10 minutes, in some cases it has taken 30 minutes to an hour or longer, depending on the length of the content and what I plan to use it for.

While rewriting PLR Articles takes more time and energy than using PLR content as-is, it will truly be your own unique work if you put in the time and effort.

Normally I would take 2 to 3 articles of related content of around 500 to 700 words and add a short paragraph at the start and the close, as well as some unique content, to build out the main points.

#1. Write an optimized, catchy headline

You should write a magnetic and compelling headline for your PLR article while ensuring that it is a good match to the content and has a few good SEO-based keywords in the title.

You can use SEO content writing tools to find the best and most relevant keywords that have a high search volume and will bring lots of traffic back to your website.

You can also use these blog title ideas tools to come up with creative and interesting blog titles for your rewritten blog post.

#2. Rewrite the copy sentence by sentence

After you’ve written an attention-grabbing headline and a few unique paragraphs, it’s time to rewrite the PLR content. I’ve found the quickest way to do this is to change the words into my own as I’m reading through the article.

If you’re not a web content writer you may think this is too hard, but it’s really very simple to do. Just go sentence by sentence throughout the content and rewrite these sentences in your own words.

For example, instead of a sentence like, “Goal-setting can be confusing for even the most experienced achiever,” you can change it to say, “No matter how much experience you have setting goals, it is still easy to get confused and lose your way from time to time.”

You could add a sentence or delete a sentence as you’re going through the content, depending on the flow of the PLR article copy. Learn how to use sentence rewriter tools to rewrite content online and article rewriter tools to rewrite articles.

For example, Spin Rewriter’s article rewrite tools can help you rewrite a single article into 500 articles in 45 seconds with ENL Semantic Spinning technology.

QuillBot’s Paraphrase tool will help you write and rewrite articles better, faster, and clearer. It enhances any sentence, paragraph, or article using state-of-the-art AI.

quillbot paraphrasing tool

#3. Personalize the content

One of the best ways to rewrite PLR content is to personalize it with your personal anecdotes, highlights of your life lessons, and unique insights to help others.

If you have a quality PLR eBook, report, or eCourse that offers a solid foundation for a good product, you can simply go through it and insert your own personal experiences, ideas, and advice.

#4. Proofread your article

Once you have finished rewriting the PLR content, it’s time to proofread your new article and do a plagiarism check to ensure it is unique.

The best way to do it is to use QuillBot’s Plagiarism Checker to scan your document for unintentional plagiarism against billions of sources and analyze whether any section of your text did not properly attribute authorship to content already published on the web or in books, research papers, academic papers, or news sources.

Use QuillBot’s free online grammar checker tool to polish your written work quickly and easily, and perfect your English by reviewing your writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Finally, after you’ve corrected all the errors, read through the entire article once more to make sure that it flows well, is useful and engaging, and that your readers will genuinely benefit from the content.

plr plr articles

How To Publish & Promote Your PLR Article

You can either publish your article on your own blog or syndicate it across over 38,000 websites and blogs for a fair price, using a service like WhitePress.

If you want to get your article published in as many places as possible and even get it into Forbes, you can use a service like SuperArticles.

These services charge a fee but are well worth the money and the time you save if you want to get maximum distribution for your content and build high-authority links back to your website.

Undoubtedly, the greatest benefit of PLR content is the time and money it can save busy business owners. Hiring a ghostwriter can be costly, and writing your own content can be time-consuming.

With quality private label rights content, you can access good starting material for your content at affordable prices and keep your readers, clients, and customers happy.

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© 2022 – 2024, Priya Florence Shah. All rights reserved.

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