5 Business Blogging Tips To Boost Your Profits 2

5 Business Blogging Tips To Boost Your Profits

Blogging Tips To Boost Your Profits

Would you like to improve your blog so that you will be able to enjoy more income?

Then now is the best time to start thinking about making changes and improvements so that you will be able to get better results.

If you want things to get better then you have to take action to make things better.

One of the best ways to get better results is to make sure that you are doing all of the right things and to make sure that you are doing them to the best of your abilities.

Here is a short list of some of the most important things to focus on that can help to improve your blogging results (and profits).

1. Have clear and specific goals for yourself and your blog

Create a project list for each month in advance. Within that monthly project, you can then create smaller weekly and daily projects and tasks to be completed.

2. Plan tasks in advance

Plan your tasks in advance, a good habit to form is to plan your monthly tasks a month in advance, your weekly tasks a week in advance, and plan your daily tasks a day in advance.

This will help you develop the habit of foresight and keep you in a proactive mode instead of a reactive mode.

3. Stay informed

Stay aware of what’s happening in your market area.  This can be done in several different ways, depending on your specific niche.

You can subscribe to popular blog RSS feeds of other market leads in your market or get alerts from Google by setting up an alert in your email account, based on a specific keyword phrase.

Also entering your niche market keyword into Google’s keyword tool to find out which keywords or topics are getting a lot of searches is another way of finding out what’s hot in your market.

Use tools like Google Trends and Google Insights to keep up with what people in your target audience are searching for.

4. Keep learning  and growing

Look for new and better ways to promote your blog.  Are you taking advantage of social media? Are you making use of video or podcasting?

What new marketing strategy could you try each month? Guest blogging, networking with other blog owners, taking a marketing training course, can all be great ways to expand your reach and influence.

Also, how closely are you paying attention to your user’s feedback, questions and comments? This will often be your best source of fresh input on how you can improve your blog.

5. Measure your results

Review your monetization strategy and do some research to find out what new monetization options are available for you to choose from.  It is important not to get stuck in a rut by refusing to move out of your comfort zone.

Look for new ways to increase your income, without increasing your overhead cost. For example, could you be getting more money for selling ad space on your blog to local businesses?

Business blogging does take a lot of time, energy and effort.  This is why it is so important that you are blogging on something that you are passionate about.

This will allow you to always be positive, optimistic and enthusiastic about what you are doing and that will come across to your readers which will be one of your greatest assets in growing your blog and your income.

Check out the Six-Figure Blogger course – The formula for making six figures from your blog with digital products and services, without being scammy or spending thousands on over-priced courses

© 2011 – 2018, Priya Florence Shah. All rights reserved.

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