Blog Legal Pages, Legal Contracts For Bloggers


Why are blog legal pages so important? If you don’t have your website legal pages for bloggers, you are opening yourself and your business up to legal action for any statements you make.

As a blogger, you must have a privacy policy for blogs, terms and conditions, disclaimer statement and any other legal statements required in the state or country in which you operate.

Yes, you can find a free website privacy policy template for websites or blogs online or use a free privacy policy generator for your blog privacy policy, but these may not cover all your regional laws.

That free medical disclaimer for website content could prove very expensive if you don’t have a proper website liability disclaimer and your blog content falls afoul of the laws of your country or state.

If you have a no responsibility disclaimer template, it should be written by a legal expert, not free software that uses disclaimer examples to spit out a legal disclaimer for websites.

Get the essential blogging legal pages, legal contracts, and legal guide for bloggers that you need for legal compliance so you can stay on the right side of the law.

Blog Legal Pages For Bloggers

Legal Bundle For Blogs & Websites

Amira’s legal guide for bloggers is the only legal bundle (including the 3 best-selling legal templates + 9 bonuses) you need to comply with the law + protect your blog and online business legally.

Free legal policies online are deficient, not drafted by a real attorney, and don’t offer you the complete legal protection and peace of mind you deserve. You know the legal pages on your website are VERY important and required by law but you have no idea where to start.

You find the “legal stuff” confusing, complicated, or intimidating. You think lawyers are expensive so you end up wasting valuable time trying to write the legal pages yourself, but you are not confident in your ability to write the legalese.

This bundle of Legal Pages For Your Website includes ALL 3 Legal Templates you need to complete the legal pages on your website within minutes!  It comes with the following legal templates:

  1. Privacy Policy For Bloggers
  2. Legal Disclaimer For Website
  3. Terms and Conditions Template for Your Website

Have complete satisfaction and peace of mind knowing that all these legal templates are actually drafted by an experienced attorney instead of relying on free policies that do not provide the same comprehensive legal protections you need for your business.

Cookie Consent Banner Generator

Generate a cookie consent banner designed to meet the guidelines of laws like the GDPR, CCPA, and E-privacy along with provider requirements like Google Analytics, Adsense, and more, with no technical knowledge.

Choose from various ways of integrating it into your CMS, blog, e-commerce, or SaaS. Add one line of script to your website and control everything related to your cookie consent banner.

Features include automated scan and reports; automatic blocking of cookies until consent is given; control and monitor all related data. Choose your banner shape, style, colors, and content to easily fit your website design. Make your cookie consent banner look good for your users.

Whenever current laws are amended or new legislation comes out, TermsHub will automatically update your cookie consent banner to help you stay compliant.

Legal Contracts For Bloggers

The only lawyer-approved contract template you need to easily collaborate with brands to produce sponsored content (blog posts, social media posts, or video) to build lasting relationships. This contract template includes all the terms you need to protect yourself legally and financially.

Sponsored posts are paid opportunities for you as a blogger, influencer, freelancer or affiliate marketer. It is a form of advertisement where brands collaborate with you and pay you to write a blog post, post on your social media, create a video, etc.

They are a great way to make money while sharing the products and services you love with your audience, but just like any partnership, you need to enter into a written Sponsored Posts Contract BEFORE you start partnering with brands.

This is a VERY important legal contract you NEED when you are ready to work with brands to produce sponsored content for them. It could be where you are getting paid to:

  • write blog posts
  • post on Facebook
  • post on Instagram
  • host a Twitter Party
  • do Facebook lives
  • create a video for the brand’s products or services, etc.

Basically, any time you collaborate with brands as an Influencer and are ready to do sponsored work for them, get them to sign this contract so both you and the brand know exactly what is expected of each other and you have all the key legal provisions to back you up in case something goes wrong.

Often, bloggers will work for days to write a sponsored blog post and not get paid by the brand or face confusion over how payment will be received. Without this legally binding contract, you’re out of luck if the brand decides to NOT pay you for your sponsored work on time or forgets to pay you at all.

Confidentiality Agreement (NDA) Template For Your Business

A Confidentiality Agreement is most commonly known as the Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA). This legal contract is needed to protect your “secret sauce” as they say, meaning protecting your business’s confidential and proprietary information, so others don’t steal your ideas, and trade secrets and become competitors.

You should have this contract in place to protect you and your business information legally and financially BEFORE you start talking to others.

With this contract, you can freely discuss your business with others because you have now made sure that the other person is legally bound NOT to disclose your confidential information, business ideas, trade secrets, and anything else you share with them. And if they do, you can now take legal action against them!

Without this legally binding contract, you are out of luck if someone steals or discloses your business’s confidential information! Get the only lawyer-written contract template you need to protect your confidential information and trade secrets before talking to others about your business.

Independent Contractor Contract Template

The only lawyer-approved written contract you must have if you are a freelancer or a client looking to hire a freelancer to do any kind of work for you.

As a client, you don’t want to be sued for overtime pay, unemployment benefits, state and federal taxes, injuries and damages suffered by the freelancer, and much more! So how do you make sure ALL your financial, business and legal interests are also protected?

​As a freelancer, you want to make sure you are paid on time and can retain ownership rights to the intellectual property you create but how do you make sure ALL your financial and legal interests are fully protected?

If ANY of these are resonating with you then both the freelancer and the client or company hiring the freelancer NEED this contract template!

This is a written contract that the client and the freelancer (also known as the independent contractor) use to safeguard their business and financial interests while protecting themselves legally! Click here to check out what’s covered by this freelancer contract template.

Termshub Professional Business Contracts

Termshub Professional Business Contracts are a one-stop shop for all your contract needs, with an online library of dozens of legally-binding templates and documents from employment agreements to service agreements.

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blog legal pages

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