Be The Expert: Learn How To Become The Authority In Your Field

Be The Expert

Learn How To Become The Authority In Your Field

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Are you frustrated with not being taken seriously as a coach, consultant, or service provider? Are you looking for ways to make people sit up and see you as the “go-to” person in your industry?

Being seen as an expert in your chosen field is the best way to create amazing success in your business!

An expert is somebody who can easily turn readers into sales because of the trust and authority they have established in the eyes of their customers.

As a service provider or a consultant, you’re wasting your time trying to get an edge over your competitors, if you do not brand yourself as an expert.

Becoming the leading authority in your field can help you do that. The hard part is actually establishing yourself as an expert and this book will explain the steps to get there.

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Read a reader testimonial below:

As a Certified LOA Life Coach, I know how to effectively coach my clients. What has stumped me is how to find those clients! Ms. Shah offers a variety of methods for marketing for the professional, and also ways to become recognized as an expert in one’s field. 

I was particularly interested in the section on blogging. In the past, I have been told “Blog.” Ms Shah takes that suggestion and gets into specific action steps for blogging, guest blogging (I never even heard of that one!) and more, that we as professionals can take to increase our exposure to our target populations.

I highly recommend “Be The Expert: How To Market Your Services To Become The Authority In Your Field” by Priya Florence Shah to anyone who still struggles to market their services or anyone who would like to become recognized as an authority in their field.

~ Elmasue Zylberberg BA,RT(R)(CT)(M),LOACC

Learn how to be seen as an expert so you can establish trust and authority, set yourself apart from your competitors, and easily convert readers into customers.

Click here to download it free

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