Best Blog Topics

How To Find the Best Content Writing Topics for Blog Writing

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How do you find the best blog topics for blog writing? Use these creative tips to come up with trending blog topics and content writing topics for beginners.

What topic to blog about?

Which are the best topics for blogs?

What should I write in my blog?

How can I come up with new blog ideas?

We’ve all been there. Bloggers with writer’s block. Running out of blog topic ideas to use for your next post. If you’re wondering how to come up with creative, new, trending blog ideas for your next blog writing deadline, you’re in the right place.

It can be tough to know which are the best topics for writing articles when there are so many options to choose from. This is especially true for freelance writers who need to find trending topics for content writing that generate a lot of traffic and engagement.

If you’re struggling to decide what blog topics to write about, these creativity-boosting ideas and 50 blog writing prompts will help you find the best topic to blog about next.

Freelance Writer

How to Find the Best Content Writing Topics for Blog Writing

Like most writers, I’ve experienced writer’s block quite a bit over the years. But I usually manage to break through it and come up with new blogging ideas and blog content writing topics with one of these creativity-boosting tips.

Here are some ways to eliminate writer’s block and find fresh, interesting blog writing topics for the kind of writing that engages and delights your readers.

#1. Use content intelligence tools

There are several SEO tools and content discovery platforms that you can use to come up with high-demand blog topics, evergreen content ideas, and targeted topics for blog writing.

Surfer’s AI SEO tools use smart algorithms to combine content strategy, creation, and optimization to help you find the best content opportunities, create a content strategy for months ahead, and write compelling pages based on data-driven guidelines.

With Surfer’s Keyword Research Tool, you can generate your entire content strategy with dozens of relevant topics and keywords in a matter of minutes.

It will help you organize thousands of search terms into groups that you can easily target with one content piece. You can use Surfer’s SEO content tools in combination with AI content writing tools to help you spark your writing flow.

jasper ai writer templates

Tools like SEMRush can help you research trending topics for blog writing, while content intelligence tools like BuzzSumo can help you find trending topics for article writing to spark your own blogging content ideas.

Hubspot’s Blog Ideas Generator is another free tool you can use to research blog content writing topics and come up with fresh, new blog titles.

You can also use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to determine what types of blog topics your visitors prefer reading, and Google Search Console to see the search terms for which your blog is being found.

This huge list of ChatGPT prompts for writers can be a versatile ally in the creative process to help you find great blog writing topics and spark new avenues of creativity.

#2. Use content writing templates

Surfer’s Free AI Article Outline Generator is an easy-to-use article outline generator that relies on AI to help you generate an outline with unique paragraphs in just 3 simple steps.

These Free Blog Post Templates from Hubspot will help you save time writing blog posts so you’ll never have to start the process of writing a blog post from scratch.

All you need to do is fill in the blanks of these 6 popular blog topic templates to get you past writer’s block:

  • The “How-To” Post
  • The List-Based Post
  • The “What Is” Post
  • The Pillar Page Post
  • The Newsjacking Post
  • The Infographic Post

Another tool you can use to come up with blog title ideas is Fresh Title, a powerful title creator and title analyzing software that will help you instantly create hundreds of highly responsive titles and headlines for any content.

If you want to automate content marketing altogether, try Content at Scale’s AI content generator which can help you write the most human-like AI content ever produced, replacing the need to hire a team of writers.

Julia McCoy’s AIO Blogger course is designed for marketers, freelancers, and entrepreneurs eager to build their own AI-optimized blog that not only attracts genuine traffic but also translates into revenue.

trending topics for article writing

#3. Use Quora to find blog topics

Using Quora to find blog content topics can be a great strategy, as it allows you to tap into the questions and interests of its diverse online community.

When you complete your Quora profile, add relevant information about your expertise and interests. This will help Quora suggest more relevant topics and questions.

Determine the niche or industry your blog focuses on to narrow down your search on Quora. Use the search bar to look for topics related to your niche.

You can search for broad topics or specific keywords. For example, if your blog is about digital marketing, search for terms like “digital marketing,” “SEO,” or “content marketing.”

The Quora Marketing Strategy Made Easy Course recommends finding questions with the most views and followers, keeping in mind that the most popular questions also have a large number of followers.

As a result, whenever you post an answer, those followers will receive a notification of your answer. Look for new questions that are gaining popularity. For example, a week-old question with 1000+ views is a good candidate.

Browse through the questions and answers in the topics you’ve identified. Pay attention to recurring themes, common problems, and information gaps.

This will help you understand what your target audience is interested in and where there might be a need for more detailed or up-to-date content.

quora marketing

Look at the answers to popular questions and check which answers have the most upvotes and comments. This can give you insights into the type of content that resonates with users.

Use the information you’ve gathered from Quora to create blog content. You can address popular questions, provide in-depth answers, or offer solutions to common problems.

Ensure your blog content adds value and goes beyond what is available on Quora, and post a detailed and useful post on your blog.

#4. Read… a lot

There’s no way around this. If you want to create great blog content and come up with unique blog topics, you have to read… a lot.

As the bestselling author, Stephen King says, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

But don’t stick to only the blogging topics you’re comfortable with. Get out of your comfort zone and expand your reading list to new domains and themes.

Read books, novels, non-fiction – anything that grabs your eye. Going multi-disciplinary can spark your creativity like nothing else and help you come up with new blog topics to write about.

Read posts in Facebook groups to find out what sort of questions your target audience needs answers to. This will give you more ideas for blogging topics and help you come up with a blog topics list of unique blogging ideas that provide answers to these questions.

blog topic ideas

#5. Watch movies and Netflix

Movies are stories translated into a visual format on the screen. A good movie can take you to places you would never otherwise explore, and give you insights that you would never have access to.

I love watching movies and Netflix series because they get my creative juices flowing. Watching movies has helped me understand human nature and storytelling better.

Some of my best ideas for my science-fiction novel were sparked by watching the Star Wars: Clone Wars and Rebels series (even though my novel is nothing like the series).

Watching inspiring movies, like Legally Blonde and Yentl, gave me a fresh new take on a subject and helped me come up with good blog topics around it.

#6. Listen to music

Good music has the effect of putting me into a creative zone, a relaxed state of flow from which my best ideas can come. Listening to music has been shown to improve cognition and enhance learning and memory.

Not all music can boost creativity, but listening to happy music facilitates divergent thinking and instrumental music is especially good for creatives and writers who are constantly looking for new topics for blog writing.

tips on blog writing

Classical music tends to rank highly for its positive and energetic qualities, such as pieces composed by Antonio Vivaldi, which are most likely to encourage creative thinking.

I like to create multiple YouTube playlists of my favorite songs and instrumental music and listen to them when I’m working. You can also find plenty of music on YouTube designed to enhance deep focus and concentration.

#7. Learn how to ignore distractions

Cultivating peak focus and the ability to ignore distractions is an important mindset to help you tune into your creativity, and come up with creative blog writing ideas for blogging topics.

This Free Masterclass with Vishen Lakhiani & Nir Eyal, two of the world’s leading experts in habit formation and focus, will also help you become immune to overwhelm and develop a powerful focus, which is a very important quality for writers.

In this Masterclass, you’ll discover how to rise above distractions, own your time, and regain your peak focus and performance, no matter what’s going on inside you or around you.

Click here to sign up for this Free Masterclass

#8. Spend time in Nature

Spending time in nature is not only good for our health but can boost our mental health and help us connect to Spirit – the fount of all inspired ideas.

I find inspiration in beautiful landscapes and natural settings with water, like a beach or lake. Vacations are some of my most creative periods of ideation, even if I don’t do much actual writing when I’m traveling.

You can carry a journal with you and write down your ideas for fresh blog topics to write about. Or use tools like Evernote or speech-to-text tools to save the ideas for blogging topics you get when you’re outdoors.

But, to paraphrase James Patterson in his Creative Writing Masterclass, if an idea is really great, you won’t have to write it down, because the really great ideas are unforgettable.

“If an idea is really great, you won’t have to write it down, because the really great ideas are unforgettable.” ~ James Patterson

spend time in nature

#9. Shut off your devices

Devices can be distracting to the point of killing all your creativity. For your creative juices to flow, you need some downtime.

You need to let your mind wander so it can focus on something other than emails and text messages. You need to be able to daydream, ideate, and create, and you can’t do that when you’re staring at a screen.

In his TED Talk, Chris Bailey, author of the book, Hyperfocus: How to Manage Your Attention in a World of Distraction, recommends disconnecting from the internet every week for a few hours and rediscovering boredom.

This brings me to my next tip for finding the best topics to write an article for your blog.

#10. Embrace boredom

Sometimes great ideas come from just sitting and watching the world go by. As kids, we came up with some very creative games when we were bored, didn’t we?

I believe that boredom is necessary for creativity to emerge. Boredom makes our minds relax and become more receptive to solutions that we would never have thought of otherwise.

Author and productivity coach, Michael Hyatt, recommends taking a break and being bored to spark your creativity and come up with new ideas.

I can guarantee that a bit of boredom will inspire some new blogging topics or help you come up with a fresh take on an old blog topic.

Blog Content Ideas

#11. Unlock your creative flow

Meditation can put you in the perfect creative state of mind, called the Alpha brainwave state. In one study, being in the Alpha state increased creativity by 50 percent.

“Meditation can put you in the perfect creative state of mind, called the Alpha state.”

This has worked very well for me in the past, especially when I practiced a form of meditation called the Silva Method, created by Jose Silva, who created the world-famous Centering Exercise and creativity-boosting guided meditations.

This practice is similar to the Indian yoga asana called Shavasana, which creates a deep sense of relaxation, but it has some differences and I’ve found the Silva Centering Exercise the easiest way to enter the Alpha state of mind for enhanced creativity and intuition.

The Silva Ultramind System is a highly optimized framework for awakening your mind’s fullest potential by giving you reliable access to altered states of mind.

It will help you access the Alpha level of mind for creative problem-solving and healing, the Theta level for waking psychic and intuitive ability, and the Delta level to receive guidance from higher intelligence while your conscious mind sleeps.

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I have also found lucid dreaming, meaning the awareness that you’re dreaming while dreaming, to be a powerful tool for creativity, and have received several ideas for my short stories, such as The Nursery and Ganymede, in lucid dreams.

#12. Get in a positive frame of mind

Playing with your kids or pets can relax your mind and put you in a happy state of flow from where new ideas can emerge. It will also help you feel good as a family, and happy thoughts are a great place from which to let your creativity flow.

One of my most inspiring articles on the Champion mindset was written while watching my child play. It inspired me to see how kids think and react and it made me want to share my observations with others.

An important part of creative expression is getting through the blocks. Bestselling author and teacher Amy B. Scher uses energy practices and a transformational step-by-step approach to shift from depression to unlock your creative expression and flow to boost creativity and set your artistic expression free.

#11. Interview your readers

Often we end up writing blog content or coming up with topics for blogs around things that WE want to write about. But your blog readers may be looking for other information that you’re missing out on because you can’t see beyond the tip of your nose.

So, interview your readers. Have them fill out a survey and ask them about their most pressing concerns and pain points. It will give you a surfeit of ideas you can draw from when looking for a topic to blog about.

These creativity-boosting ideas are sure to spark your imagination and help you come up with a new blog topic or two.

Blog Content Ideas

How to Find Trending Blog Topics in Your Niche

Sometimes you can find the most interesting topics for blogs by focusing on a niche. Here are some tips to find trending blog topics that your audience may be looking for:

  • Affiliate marketers may want to choose topics for blog writing that are likely to make the most money.
  • Mom bloggers can create a blog topics list of lifestyle content ideas on the best mom blog topics.
  • New bloggers just starting a blog may be looking for suitable blog content writing topics for beginners.
  • Indian bloggers may want to research and come up with a blog topics list of trending blog topics in India.

The RankIQ AI-powered writing assistant has a hand-picked keyword library of low-competition, high-traffic keywords for every blog niche. It tells you what you need to add to your post, so you can build a comprehensive piece of content, that will be able to compete for a 1st-page Google ranking.

You’d be amazed at the hot, trending blog topics to write blogs on that you can come up with using these blogging ideas and blog topic ideas to spark creativity, cultivate creative thinking, and get rid of writer’s block.

Now that you have found the best blog topics, use these basic steps for writing high-quality blog posts even if you’ve never written blog content before.

Trending Blog Topics

50 Content Writing Topics & Blog Writing Prompts

Do you need some inspiration for blog content ideas? This blog-topics list of 50 blog content writing topics will jumpstart your creativity and inspire you to come up with new and interesting blog writing topics to write a blog.

You can also use these ChatGPT prompts for SEO blog posts to overcome writer’s block and get more creative blog writing ideas.

Most of these blog writing prompt ideas and blogging ideas can be used more than once, so you won’t run out of blog writing topics for months to come. A blog can be written on:

  • Special events – Relate your blog topics to a special event, a national day, or a holiday.
  • News – Subscribe to Google news alert on your keywords and write about the latest news in your niche.
  • Book reviews – Review the best books in your niche and link to their Amazon pages with an affiliate link.
  • Respond to a post on another blog post in a niche similar to or related to yours.
  • Blog milestone – Write about your blogging milestones, such as publishing your 100th post, and getting your 1000th comment…
  • Niche heroes -Blog about a person who made a positive contribution to your niche.
  • Blog memes – Join in blog memes such as “Wordless Wednesday”. There’s at least one for every day of the week!
  • Product Review – An excellent way to work in some affiliate links.
  • FAQs in your niche – Write a short Q&A that’s based on FAQs around your niche.
  • Blog comment response – Write a long and expanded response to a comment on your blog.
  • Predict trends – What do you see happening in your niche in a year? 5 years?
  • Historical view – What was your niche in the past? Or what past event influenced your niche?
  • Top 10 tips on any topic of interest to your readers.
  • Best of… – A good year-ender, make a list of your best posts for the year.
  • Contests – Organize a contest for your blog readers, or make a list of contests your readers can join.
  • What I learned from… a current event, a person you met, or an experience you had.
  • Definitions – Define terms that are commonly used in your niche but a beginner may not understand
  • New products – Not a review but simply an announcement of a new product relevant to your niche. This is another good opportunity to drop in some affiliate links.
  • The biggest problem – Ask your readers what their biggest problem is about your blog topic or niche. They post their answers in the comments section.
  • Biggest problem follow-up – Summarize the comments from #19 in another post.
  • Biggest problem follow-up series – Write a separate blog post tackling each question from #19.
  • Interview somebody knowledgeable in your niche who has succeeded in it or is otherwise interesting to your readers.
  • Big list – Compile a big list of resources or tips, just like this one. The bigger the better!
  • Reader Survey – Put up a brief survey online and blog about the results.
  • Be provocative. Challenge a common belief or widely accepted idea in your niche.
  • New idea – What new idea about your blog topic or niche have you come across lately?
  • YouTube – Embed a funny, moving, or insightful video on YouTube. You can even have a “video day” once a week.
  • YouTube version 2 – Make YOUR own YouTube video. Publish it on YouTube then embed it on your blog. This way, you can attract traffic from YouTube to your blog.
  • Freebie – Scour the ‘net for freebies that your readers will love. Or create a freebie of your own, such as a checklist or special report.
  • Personal story – Use a personal story to illustrate an important concept or principle in your niche.
  • Free to publish articles – Check out relevant articles in article directories such as Ezine Articles… but don’t publish them entirely on your blog. Instead, use an article or a group of articles as your take-off point for a blog post, or several.
  • Link love – This is a post with links to other blogs. Some bloggers set aside one day a week to publish a list of the best blog posts on their topic.
  • Photo – A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Search Google Images for Creative Commons pictures that your readers will like.
  • Hot topics – Browse Reddit for hot topics in your niche
  • Pros and cons – Examine what’s good and bad about something related to your blog topic
  • Respond to relevant questions you find on
  • Guest post – Invite another blogger to write a guest post for your blog
  • Reader’s post – Invite blog subscribers to submit an article or post to be published on the blog
  • Inspirational post – Write a motivational post for your readers.
  • Update an old post with fresh ideas, new learnings, and current research findings.
  • Beginner’s guide – What do beginners in your niche struggle with? Write a post to guide them through it.
  • Best list – Patterned after “best-dressed lists” make a list of the best ___ in your niche.
  • Try Newsjacking – Aligning your brand with a current event, in an attempt to piggyback off the media attention and boost your brand’s exposure.
  • New uses for – Think of new ways your readers can use gadgets and other stuff.
  • Write about a live event that you attended and what you learned from it.
  • Bribe post – Bribe your readers with a freebie in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter or RSS feed.
  • Around the world – Compare how people in different countries do something related to your niche.
  • Seasonal – Relate the month or season to your blog topic.
  • Blog carnival – Join or host a blog carnival, where several publish posts about the same topic on the same day.
  • Host a virtual “conference” on your blog – Invite “speakers” to publish their posts on a specified date and time. Q&A happens in the comments section.

I hope these tips to find the best topics for writing articles for your blog, along with the blog writing prompts above will help you find the best blog topics to engage and delight your readers.

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Blog Writing Prompts Ideas
Content Writing Topics
Blog Writing Tips
Blog Writing Ideas
Blog Writing Topics
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Topics For Blog Writing

© 2022 – 2024, Priya Florence Shah. All rights reserved.

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